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2020年7月12日 日曜日

中国軍が中東に基地を構える日, 中国は「第二のアメリカ」に

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2020年7月12日 中国軍が中東に基地を構える日, 中国は「第二のアメリカ」に









◆200712 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/38V0lgE
中国軍が中東に基地を構える日――中国は「第二のアメリカ」に ...
イラン政府が中国との間で、4000億ドルの資金協力と引き換えにキーシュ島を25年間貸し出すことに合意したというのだ。 ペルシャ湾の ... トランプ大統領の主張はオバマ政権の業績を否定するとともに、北朝鮮との協議が行き詰まるなかで、大統領選挙に向けたアピールだったとみてよい。 ... 一帯一路」構想を掲げる中国は、その沿線上にこれまでにもジブチやセーシェルに軍事基地を構え、南沙諸島にも施設を建設してきた。 画像.

◆200712 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3iSmwIM
活発な梅雨前線、中国本土まで 長江沿いも記録的豪雨. 朝日新聞デジタル 7/8(水) 17:32 · 九州豪雨をもたらした「線状降水帯」中国ではダム決壊も警戒中. SmartFLASH 7/9(木) 11:31 · 中国・習近平、ここへきて「香港問題」に焦りまくっている「本当のワケ」.

◆200712 東洋経済オンライン https://bit.ly/2W9HARn
ソウル/シンガポール 7日 ロイター] - 新型コロナウイルス感染症のワクチン開発競争で、中国が先頭集団を走っている。シノバック・バイオテック(科興控股生物技術)が開発中のワクチンは月内に、中国で2番目、世界で3番目に第3期臨床試験(治験)へと進む ...

◆200712 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2DpBDJp
【上海=南部さやか】中国南部の長江流域を中心に続いている豪雨は、中国応急管理省の10日までの調べで、被災者が江西、安徽、湖北省など27省市・自治区で延べ約3400万人に上り、死者・行方不明者が140人を超えた。長江中下流域周辺の一部地区 ...

◆200712 ZAKZAK https://bit.ly/3flqfwn
【ニュースの核心】中国問題が「ポスト安倍」の最大の焦点 親中勢力に“忖度”か批判加速か…候補の正念場が迫っている
米国は北朝鮮情勢が緊張し ていた2017年11月、空母3隻を同時に日本海へ派遣し、合同演習した。このときはドナルド・トランプ大統領が韓国国会で演説し、「われわれを甘く見るな」と警告した。 今回は2隻だが、南シナ海の人工島に軍事基地を建設し、わが物 ...



◆200712 福井新聞 https://bit.ly/328Zt6L
同国の伝統的なエネルギー源で二酸化炭素(CO2)排出量の多い石炭は、排出に課金する制度でコスト高になり、割合が大きく減った。 ドイツ連邦議会(下院)は3日、温暖化対策として、今後の18年間で石炭火力発電所を全廃する「脱 ...

◆200712 東京新聞 https://bit.ly/3gMHR4D
優位性失っていた日本の「石炭火力」 政府の支援厳格化は現実後追い
地球温暖化につながる温室効果ガスを大量に出す石炭火力発電の途上国への輸出について、政府は支援の要件を厳しくした。「インフラ輸出」は安倍政権の成長戦略の柱だが、石炭火力市場は衰退し、見直しは現実の後追いにすぎない。進行中の計画への ...
詳細 · 4時間前

◆200712 時事通信 https://bit.ly/305eFyU
ダム計画、11年前に中止 熊本・球磨川水系、県など反対―議論再燃可能性も
熊本県を襲った豪雨で氾濫した球磨川水系では、かつて治水などを目的とした「川辺川ダム」の建設計画が存在した。しかし、一部の流域市町村や県の反対を受け、国は2009年に中止を決定。ダムに代わる治水策を検討していたが、抜本的な対策を取ることが ...

◆200712 ロイター https://bit.ly/3288XyZ
[10日 ロイター] - エネルギーサービス会社ベーカー・ヒューズが発表した7月10日までの週の米国内石油・天然ガス掘削リグ稼働数は、前週比5基減の258となり1940年の統計開始以来の最低水準を10週連続で更新した。 ただ、原油価格の上昇を受けて一 ...

◆200712 GIGAZINE https://bit.ly/3iVvHYU
海運業界が排出する二酸化炭素についてマカロック氏らは、「再生可能エネルギーを動力源としていない船舶に速度制限を課すことで、燃料の消費を抑えることが可能です」と述べました。 また、海運だけでなく自動車についても、「水素や電気を動力源とするゼロ・ ...



◆200712 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/32lhJKj
部品、中間財の70-80%を独自に生産、供給し、2035年には先進国(日本、ドイツ)を抜き、中国が製造業大国から製造業強国の座に就くという野心に満ちた計画だ。 「中国製造2025」のうち、重要課題とされる半導体の自立はよく知られているが、5大重点事業に ...

◆200712 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/32fHFqi
欧州主要国は新型コロナ後EVに力 経済回復策として支援強化(SankeiBiz)
全電力供給の10%を占める洋上風力を含め、英国の電力供給の約4分の1は風力発電と太陽光発電設備に依存しているが、 ... などの主要市場で手厚いEV購入支援策の導入が始まり、販売台数が落ち込む中国を尻目に欧州市場で販売台数が増え始めた。

◆200712 毎日新聞 https://bit.ly/2Cp6Fkb
中国のすす粒子排出、10年で35%減 温暖化一因「ブラックカーボン」 汚染対策進展 - 毎日新聞


◆200712 Stars and Stripes https://bit.ly/3enoEEZ
Britain's nuclear future uncertain as relations with China fray
Britain's fraying relationship with China has the potential to undo a decade of mixed efforts to keep nuclear power flowing as an aging ... The gap could be filled by gas, batteries or small modular reactors that can provide back-up to renewable energy and keep the lights on. ... As much as 80% of electricity will be produced from low carbon sources by 2030, according to scenarios modeled by the U.K.'s ...

◆200712 The Guardian https://bit.ly/327ertJ
Where in Britain does China spend its money?
... oil production, including output from our biggest remaining oilfield. Meanwhile CGN, China's state nuclear company, is eyeing Britain's energy future. It has an almost one-third stake in plans to build the UK's first new nuclear power plant in a ...
意見 · 11時間前

◆200712 The Times https://bit.ly/2OhALZy
Ministers cool on Chinese nuclear reactors | Business
DBD, a Cheshire-based engineering firm, was working with China's Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology to build a fleet of gas-cooled small reactors, and had hoped to win government funds. However, ministers have awarded ...

◆200712 BW Businessworld https://bit.ly/2Cp7jhB
China propagates clean environment but continues to be ...
Citing China Coal Transport and Distribution Association's (CCTDA) data, the Asia Times reported that the coal used by coastal power plants at five major Chinese ... It has also been reported that amid the claims of moving towards renewable energy, China is building new coal-fired power plants. ... China with only 18 per cent of global population emits as much as 27 per cent of Greenhouse gas (GHG).

◆200712 Big News Network https://bit.ly/2Zjt8bf
China continues to be largest coal producer
However, on the ground reality narrates a different story as China continues to be the largest coal producer globally. ... It has also been reported that amid the claims of moving towards renewable energy, China is building new coal-fired power plants. ... China with only 18 per cent of global population emits as much as 27 per cent of Greenhouse gas (GHG). ... News · Marketing News · Media News · Mining & Metals · Movies News · Music News · Oil & Gas News · Pharmaceutical News ...

◆200712 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/3iVSOmn
Arms race for peace? US ups the ante to bring China to table
The U.S. has not tested any nuclear weapons since September 1992. Yet speculation is mounting that China is secretly preparing to restart its own testing. The U.S. and Russia suspended their Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty in early ...

◆200712 Observer Research Foundation https://bit.ly/2Ogy3nd
The extent of China’s soft power in South Asia
Soft power in South Asia has ushered a fear of retaliation; negative impacts such as debt traps appear less threatening to these countries than turning into China's enemy. China soft power, coronavirus, contested modernity, China, Belt and ...

◆200712 Anadolu Agency https://bit.ly/32fIyPE
Kashmir embedded in China's goal for supremacy: Author
Energy · Sports · Infographics · Analysis · Photo · Video · Environment · Education · Life · Culture · Analysis · Health · Science- ... In the wake of the recent India-China border standoff that resulted in the killing of 20 Indian soldiers, Hawksley, a former BBC ... Anadolu Agency (AA): Your novel, Dragon Fire has depicted a scenario of war between China, India, and Pakistan -- all nuclear countries. ... HH: China is now a substantive global power with a reach throughout Asia and beyond.



◆200712 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/327LVZ9
政府が石炭火力発電所の輸出支援の条件を厳格化する。政府系金融機関を通じた融資などの公的支援は、相手国の脱炭素化に向けた政策転換への関与を条件に、高効率設備の輸出に限って実施する。環境対策の方針が確認 ...


◆200712 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/3fqiJAk
Indonesia and Philippines are smart to make nuclear power ...
Current plans, based on fossil fuels, will inevitably increase ASEAN's dependence on imported coal, oil and gas, which ... it more competitive with conventional power sources, and almost all ASEAN countries are promoting renewable energy.

◆200712 Casper Star-Tribune Online https://bit.ly/3fmKQAe
Could Japan's plan to retire 100 coal units hurt the Powder River Basin?
Nonetheless, energy operators mining in Wyoming's Powder River Basin have hoped to export coal to countries across ... Hiroshi Kajiyama, said the country would consider phasing out 100 of its older coal-fired power plant units by 2030. ... In recent years, Japan's shortage of domestic energy resources has led the country to increase its reliance on coal and natural gas coming from abroad. ... As it stands, Japan imports an overwhelming majority of it coal from Australia and Indonesia.

◆200712 Macau Business https://bit.ly/3j11lEH
Japan to limit financing of overseas coal power plants
Japan said it would tighten rules for investment in foreign coal-fired power stations on environmental grounds, but stopped ... “There are developing nations in the world that can only choose coal as an energy source,” he said. ... for over US$4.8 billion in financing for coal power plants abroad — particularly in Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh. ... The appetite for coal-fired plants increased significantly after the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident following the 2011 tsunami.

◆200712 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/3emrhXI
40 Ministers from around the world gather to address the ...
Ministers participating in the Summit included those from the world's largest energy consumers: Minister Zhang Jinhua of ... Africa, Secretary Rocío Nahle of Mexico, Minister Arifin Tasrif of Indonesia, and Deputy Prime Minister Ribera of Spain. ... Electrification wherever possible, to replace the uses of gas, coal and oil by the direct use of electricity produced from ... by 2050, Europe needs to transform its energy system, which accounts for 75% of the EU's greenhouse gas emissions.

◆200712 Market Research Publicist https://bit.ly/3eousOq
Global Philippines Solar Pv Power Market Analysis and ...
The research report provides a comprehensive breakdown of all the major factors impacting the market on a global and regional scale, including drivers, constraints, intimidation, challenges, opportunities, and industry-specific trends. Further, the ...



◆200707 インドネシアが脱石炭火力方針 28年以降建設せず
SankeiBiz-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/31SH51C

◆200707 ベトナムにメガソーラー建設
電波新聞社-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/38xIBaQ
シャープエネルギーソリューション(SESJ)は、複数のベトナム企業と共同で、ベトナムのニントゥアン省に太陽光発電所(メガ ... 年間予測発電量は約7万6373MWhを見込み、ベトナムの標準的な家庭の約4万500世帯分の年間消費電力量に相当する(想定温室 ...

◆200707 深遠なる中国の三戦思想
minkabu PRESS-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/31QJji1
南シナ海における2つの行政区の設置についての一方的宣言(4月18日)、インドネシア領内での違法操業、マレーシアの排他的経済水域(EEZ)内での探査船嫌がらせ、ベトナム、マレーシアの石油・ガス事業への妨害など、さらには、防空識別圏設置についての ...

◆200707 ユニリーバ、気候変動対策、自然環境の保全・再生 および次世代 ...
PR TIMES-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/3f5jfDO
ユニリーバ、気候変動対策、自然環境の保全・再生 および次世代への資源の引き継ぎを目的とした新たな取り組みを開始 ... このことを通して社会的な変容の促進に貢献し、インド、ブラジル、南アフリカ、ベトナム、インドネシアなど、水問題を抱える主な市場 ...

◆200707 カジノ再開により、中国人の回帰に向けた準備が進む カンボジア ...
カンボジアビジネスパートナーズ-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/3fatgj8
カンボジア政府がカジノの営業を再開する計画を発表したため、プレアシアヌーク州では中国人回帰に向けた準備が進んでいる。クメールタイムズが報じた。 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大の影響が出る以前は、同州には州の総人口の半数近くを占める8万人の ..

◆200707 ラオス首相がベトナム訪問、コロナ後初の要人訪越 フック首相と会談
VIETJOベトナムニュース-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VRIAt2
ラオスのトーンルン・シースリット首相は、5日と6日にベトナムを公式訪問した。今回の訪問は、ベトナムのグエン・スアン・フック首相の招きにより実現したもの。 (C) tuoitre. 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の流行が拡大し始めてから外国首脳がベトナムを ...


◆200708 Thailand offers suggestions for Mekong River protection, dam ...
Pattaya Mail-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Z9xHF3
At the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Joint Committee's meeting, Thailand offered eight suggestions, hoping to push the Lao PDR into upgrading measures to alleviate the impacts on downstream countries of dam construction on the ...

◆200708 Solutions to conserving wetlands
Khmer Times-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VYQXDj
The meeting was held at the forum on “Mekong Wetland, Water Governance and Climate Change” in Stung Treng province. Tek Vannara, executive director of the NGO Forum on Cambodia, said the Mekong River, wetland and Tonle Sap Lake ...

◆200708 The Nile water dispute is not a zero-sum game
Middle East Monitor-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Chm71C
Negotiations over Ethiopia's $5 billion Grand Renaissance Dam on the River Nile have reached a critical stage. ... The dam has its headwaters from Ethiopia and accounts for about 85 per cent of the Nile's water; it is expected to provide much-needed electricity for Ethiopia's 100 million-plus people. ... For example, upstream dams on the Mekong River, particularly those in China, have become one of the key triggers for ... Tunisia: Tataouine on open strike, including oil and gas fields.

◆200708 Vietnam yet to optimize renewable energy utilization as ...
VnExpress International-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ADUCiq
Vietnam is struggling to fully utilize the potential of renewable energy because of policy roadblocks even though power ... In the central province of Ninh Thuan, one of the solar power hotspots in the country, nine of 15 operating solar ... in installing a new transmission line could take national utility Vietnam Electricity (EVN) five to six years to complete. ... with the most severe shortage of 5 billion kWh in 2023, as construction of new thermal and gas-fired plants fall behind schedule.

◆200708 First LNG ship-to-ship operation completed in Myanmar
TradeWinds-2020/07/07 https://bit.ly/2AJJ3Xa
... of larger LNG carriers has yet to emerge. 7 July 2020 7:43 GMT Updated 7 July 2020 7:43 GMT. By Lucy Hine. A first LNG ship-to-ship (STS) operation has been completed in Myanmar after the arrival of a third gas carrier to the new project.

◆200708 China-Laos railway bridge completes closure over Yuanjiang ...
ecns-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VRLgHl
China-Laos railway bridge completes closure over Yuanjiang River. 2020-07-07 Xinhua Editor:Ji Xiang. (ECNS)--The closure of the main section of the Yuanjiang Railway Bridge has been complete. This bridge is considered one of the more ...

◆200708 'China is not a hostile power': Former advisor to PM Atal Bihari ...
OpIndia-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZNkilh
Shiv Sainiks to launch 'chaddi-baniyan' protest against their own govt in Maharashtra to oppose inflated electricity bills ... 'China is not a hostile power': Former advisor to PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee downplays Chinese aggression, calls ... we shouldn't allow any outside power to get into this problem for their own advantage,” said Sudheendra Kulkarni, ... Besides, China has disputes with Laos, Cambodia on 'historical precedents and with Thailand over the Mekong river since 2001.



◆200709 世界中を旅する写真家が選んだ“一番好きな夜” とは? 絶景に ...
マイナビニュース-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/3gMc97H
ヒマラヤの夜は死ぬかと思うくらい怖いけど世界で一番好きな夜。 酸素が薄く呼吸が苦しくて1時間も続けて寝ることが出来ない日が何日も続く。 けどそんな ...

◆200709 インドの反中感情~緊張が高まる中印関係は領土紛争にとどまら ...
Yahoo!ニュース-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/3fez8YD
最近、インドと中国の緊張が高まっている。 6月15日夜から16日未明にかけ、中印国境の北部ラダック地方にある中国との係争地域で両国軍が衝突し、インド軍の兵士20人が死亡した。死者が出るのは45年ぶりだという。

◆200709 感染急増のインド…邦人女性が現状語る
日テレNEWS24-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZQwxh0
新型コロナウイルスの感染者が急増するインドで、長年、農業支援などを行う日本人女性が取材に応じ、農村部でも感染が拡大している現状を語りました。 アーシャ=アジアの農民と歩む会・川口景子さん「(感染は)4月、5月くらいまでは遠い話だったのが、最近 ...

◆200709 パナソニック、インドで教育アプリ ITサービス磨く
日本経済新聞-15 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/31VR729
パナソニックはインドでアプリを使った学生向けの教育事業に参入した。大学生の就職活動で必要とされるデータ分析などの技能を学んだり、大学入試を控えた高校生向けの模擬試験が受けられたりする複数のアプリを提 ...

◆200709 2020-2027年の予測期間に驚異的な成長を遂げるインドの天然 ...
㈱ムービーバンク-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Oc8cfW
「The Insight Partners」によるインドの天然ガスとLNG市場の調査は、市場に影響を与える市場のダイナミクス、市場の範囲、市場のセグメンテーションに関する詳細を提供し、長年にわたる優勢な競争状況とトレンドを強調する主要な市場プレーヤーに影を重ね ...

◆200709 インドの反中感情〜緊張が高まる中印関係は領土紛争にとどまら ...
auone.jp-21 時間前 https://bit.ly/320RFDU
そして、2017年7月、スリランカ南部に建設されたハンバントタ港の利用権が99年間にわたり、2013年1月にはパキスタン南部グアダル港の利用権が43年間にわたり中国へ明け渡された。 そして、中国はミャンマーやネパールなどにも莫大な経済援助を行い、南 ...

◆200709 中国の「いじめ」許すな 米国務長官、尖閣沖侵入を批判
時事通信-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2O6q3F5
最近はブータンとの間でも国境問題を引き起こしていると述べ、「世界はこのいじめ行為を許すべきでない」と強調した。 新型コロナ最新情報 · 香港問題 · 米黒人男性暴行死. コメントを ..


◆200710 The Evening Sun https://bit.ly/3ftbYhn
Focus Your Attention To The East
Both of which are members of the nuclear weapons club. Few people are aware there is an ongoing border dispute happening high in the Himalaya Mountains between China and India. ... internal social issues only helps conceal that China is setting itself up to be the dominant world power, both economically and militarily.

◆200710 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/38FTOGs
Indus River System Authority releases 302,600 cusecs water
According to the data released by IRSA, water level in the Indus River at Tarbela Dam was 1461.60 feet, which was 75.60 feet higher than its dead level 1386 feet. Water inflow in the dam was recorded as 151,800 cusecs and outflow as ...

◆200710 Deccan Herald https://bit.ly/329Kyca
China speeds up spreading tentacles in India's territory occupied by Pakistan
The Azad Pattan hydropower plant is proposed to be built on Jhelum River near Sudhanoti in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). ... on May 13 a $ 2.75 billion contract to build the controversial Diamer Bhasha dam on Indus River in Gilgit-Baltistan. ... The contract awarded to the consortium of the Power China and the FWO also covers construction of the 21 MW Tangir Hydro-Electric plant, which was ...

◆200710 Armenian Reporter https://bit.ly/2Zg35Sq
The Nile water dispute is not a zero-sum game – Middle East ...
Negotiations over Ethiopia's $5 billion Grand Renaissance Dam on the River Nile have reached a essential stage. ... 85 per cent of the Nile's water; it is anticipated to offer much-needed electrical energy for Ethiopia's 100 million-plus folks.

◆200710 Livemint https://bit.ly/2ZXlfYe
How Rewa solar park helped India’s green economy turn a corner
By breaking the electricity grid parity barrier in February 2017, the project brought home the point that solar energy is no longer a ... that power from sun is a competitive energy source vis-а-vis the coal-fuelled conventional source of electricity. ... “This project adds momentum to our commitment of increasing renewable energy capacities by 2022," PM Modi said in a ... telecommunications, pooling station, and transmission links; wherein the financing was provided by the World Bank.

◆200710 Times of India https://bit.ly/3iNhOfs
PM Modi inaugurates 750 MW Rewa solar project: Key points
With this solar plant at Rewa, the industries here will not only get electricity, but even Delhi Metro will get its benefits. Apart from Rewa, work is underway on solar power plants in Shajapur, Neemuch and Chhatarpur: PM Modi ... It also exemplifies India's commitment to attaining the target of gigawatt (GW) of installed renewable energy capacity by the year ... Aadhaar LPG Gas Link · Aadhaar Voter Card link · Duplicate Aadhaar Card · Aadhaar UAN Linking · Aadhaar Property Linking ...

◆200710 Hindustan Times https://bit.ly/3iLiG45
PM Modi to inaugurate Asia’s largest solar power plant in MP today
It will get 24% of energy from the project with the remaining 76% being supplied to the state discoms of Madhya Pradesh. * It also exemplifies India's commitment to attaining the target of 175GW of installed renewable energy capacity by the year ...

◆200710 OilPrice.com https://bit.ly/2Dno8tH
Can India Really Shut Down Oil Supply To China
The relationship between India and China has always been shaky, but a recent flare-up of tensions on the border between ... Both countries are nuclear powers, which has worried the UN, who has called on Beijing and New Delhi to "exercise ...

◆200710 The Nation https://bit.ly/3ejRi9Y
Launching much-needed power projects
On July 5, Pakistan and China signed the accord for construction of 700 MW Azad Pattan Hydro Project at a cost of $1.5 billion ... China Three Gorges Corporation (CTGC), the state-owned power developer, had won the right to develop the dam on ... Located in the north-eastern region of Pakistan in Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK) on Jhelum River, the project has ... the import of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas required for production of electricity, the significance of changing the energy ...

◆200710 Associated Press of Pakistan https://bit.ly/2W0xhyU
Pakistan, China cooperation in hydropower deepens under CPEC framework: Chinese scholar
BEIJING, Jul 9 (APP):The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) continues to make strides under the framework of Belt and Road ... Azad Patan Hydropower Station is located on the Jhelum River, Azad Kashmir region, with a total installed capacity of 700 MW. ... Currently Pakistan is moving forward to produce clean and cheaper electricity instead of utilizing the expensive imported fuel. ... Hydro power generation has always been considered as a big source of clean energy.

◆200710 Dunya News https://bit.ly/2W5lXS3
Punjab CM approves Ravi River Front Urban Development project
LAHORE (Dunya News) – Chief Minister of Punjab (CM) Sardar Usman Buzdar on Friday has given green signal for the execution of River Front Urban Development (RRFUD) project to beautify the area. According to details, Punjab ...

◆200710 The Express Tribune https://bit.ly/3gDS0Aq
Pakistan's productivity lower than Bangladesh
“The four main costs which are considerably high in Pakistan are electricity tariffs, gas charges, wages and general sales tax and they should be reduced.” Ayesha Spinning Mills CEO Rahim Nasir said Covid-19 had led to at least 30% ...

◆200710 Online Khabar (English) https://bit.ly/2CiO09Q
Floods shut several hydropower projects in Nepal ...
Nepal Electricity Authority says floods and landslides across the country have shut several hydropower projects in the past few days. The authority's ... “The power supply has fluctuated as the production, transmission and distribution systems have been affected. However ... Nepal's biggest hydropower project, Kaligandaki A, is also shut from 8 am today as the water level in the river increased. The project ...

◆200710 The Indian Express https://bit.ly/2W4Jwuo
Nepal stops transmission of India’s news channels; Doordarshan remains on air
There was no immediate reaction from India on the issue. People familiar with the development said the Nepalese embassy in New Delhi apprised its views to the Indian government over coverage of Nepal's political developments by the ...

◆200710 MyRepublica https://bit.ly/322bdI1
Flood damages Middle Bhotekoshi Hydroelectric Project, production date likely to be deferred further
The flood in the Bhotekoshi River in Sindhupalchowk district inundated the powerhouse of the 102 megawatt hydropower ... The project's chief Sunil Kumar Lama said the flood swept away mainly the electromechanical equipment of the hydro project and the ... According to him, the dam is severely damaged and the warehouse is covered under landslide debris. ... Meanwhile, Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) that is reeling under heavy financial losses with a fall in electricity demand ...

◆200710 New Straits Times Online https://bit.ly/2ZXp8fM
South Asian nations caught in China-India crossfire
... and India has put their neighbours in South Asia in a spot as they are caught in a crossfire between the nuclear-armed powers. ... In Bhutan, a nation landlocked by China in the north and India in the south, there have also been tensions over Beijing's ... "As long as there is this balance of power between China and India, there will be space for these South Asian ... for strategic influence in the Indian Ocean, which is home to key trade waterways, particularly for the world's oil trade.

◆200710 TTG Asia https://bit.ly/2ZTEHFn
Nepal and Bhutan next for Wyndham's portfolio expansion
Ramada by Wyndham Valley Thimpu, Bhutan, will offer 41 spacious rooms, including many with panoramic views of the magnificent Himalayas. Tucked in the Thimpu valley by the free-flowing Raidāk River, its location will provide easy access to ...

◆200710 MENAFN.COM https://bit.ly/2ZWb8Tr
Sri Lanka- Government decides to grant concessions to ...
(MENAFN - Colombo Gazette) The Government has decided to grant concessions to electricity consumers, Cabinet co-spokesman Bandula Gunawardena said. He said that the matter was discussed by the Cabinet with subject Minister ...

◆200710 Colombo Page https://bit.ly/3iNmgea
Sri Lanka : CEB extends agreements of 15 stalled hydropower ...
Thu, Jul 9, 2020, 08:50 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka. July 09, Colombo: The Minister of Power and Energy, Mahinda Amaraweera has instructed the Ceylon Electricity Board to extend the agreements of ...

◆200710 ThePrint https://bit.ly/3gN4ztw
Sri Lanka ‘assures’ India on Colombo Port project despite opposition pressure ahead of polls
Sri Lanka 'assures' India on Colombo Port project despite opposition pressure ahead of polls ... New Delhi: Sri Lanka has “assured” India that the high-profile Colombo Port project will remain with New Delhi despite opposition ... Some of the key projects pending for years are the Trinco Oil Farm projects, modernisation of an airport in Sri Lanka and development of an LNG terminal in Colombo, among others. ... Power pioneer invents new battery that's 90% cheaper than lithium-ion.




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Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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