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2020年7月25日 ポンペオ国務長官,「今跪けば子孫は中国共産党の言いなり」













◆200725 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/30R0gae
世界と対立する強権中国-習総書記、2022年の共産党大会 ...
中国では共産党最高指導部の人事や重点政策が決定される5年に一度の党大会が2022年に開かれるのを見据え、習近平総 ... 南シナ海における強引な領有権主張や軍備増強に向けた巨額支出、香港の統制強化など、習氏は強い指導者としてのイメージを ...

◆200725 読売新聞 https://bit.ly/32OJFq5
習近平 ( シージンピン ) 総書記(国家主席)は破綻した全体主義イデオロギーの信奉者だ。中国の共産主義に基づく覇権への野望を長年抱き続けている。イデオロギー上の根本的な違いをもはや無視できない。

◆200725 朝日新聞デジタル版 https://bit.ly/3fYyGy7
米中が互いの総領事館を閉鎖しあうなか、ポンペオ米国務長官が歴代政権が積み重ねてきた対中政策との決別宣言をした。大統領選に向けたアピール色も強いが、両国関係の悪化が国交正常化以来の深刻さにあるのは事実。打開の糸口は見当たらず、米中 ...

◆200725 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/32RNaMd
ポンペオ長官は演説で中国の習近平国家主席について、「われわれが許さない限り、中国の国内外で暴政を行う運命にはない」と述べ、「われわれの自由を中国共産党から守ることが現代の使命だ」と強調した。 さらに、「今ひざまずけば、われわれの子孫は、中国 ...



◆200725 Japan In-depth https://bit.ly/32SujAX
・発電関連業界は今後様相を一変する。 経済産業大臣が石炭火力発電の見直しを発表した。3日の記者会見で脱炭素社会の実現を目指すため石炭 ...

◆200725 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3fTNPAB
【ヤンゴン=新田裕一】ミャンマー政府は24日、丸紅と住友商事、三井物産に対し、最大都市ヤンゴン近郊で液化天然ガス(LNG)火力発電所の建設計画を認めると通知した。首都ネピドーで通知書を交付する式典を ...

◆200725 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://bit.ly/30Ju8VQ
ハウ氏は、LNG(液化天然ガス)火力発電所とLNG輸入インフラ施設の開発を主張し、深水港で25万t級のLNGタンカーが寄港できるカナ港が適しているとした。同港は、出力6000MWのガス火力発電複合施設建設計画とも関連している。計画のうち第1期分 ...

◆200725 朝日新聞デジタル版 https://bit.ly/39pLScN
小泉進次郎環境相は、国内外から批判が強かった日本の石炭火力発電所の輸出支援について、今後、現実的には新たな案件は出ないとの見解を示し、次の国のエネルギー基本計画の見直しに、気候変動政策を所管する環境省として積極的に関与していく考え ...

◆200725 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/30NiaKC
「いまさらダムなんて」 五木村民、思い複雑 「川辺川ダム」計画に翻弄 水没予定地には観光施設も(熊本日日新聞)
いまさらダムなんて」。熊本県南部を襲った豪雨で甚大な被害が出た人吉市は、建設が中止された川辺川ダムの最大受益地とされていた。水没予定地を抱えていた五木村にとって、国のダム中止を受けて新たな村づくりを進める中、下流域で未曽有の水害が ...

◆200725 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2OTneI1
半導体に米中不在の鉱脈 日本も探れる再起の道
コロナ禍の都内で適度な距離を保ちつつ直接話ができたのは半導体大手、旧エルピーダメモリ(2012年に会社更生法の適用を申請)の坂本幸雄元社長だった。 昨年、中国政府に請われて紫光集団という現地企業の半導 ...



◆200725 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3eY0K36
三峡ダムまた水位上昇か せき止め湖で住民避難も~中国の洪水は被災者4550万人に(FNNプライムオンライン)
湖北省の西部・恩施トゥチャ族ミャオ族自治州で7月21日、大規模な山崩れが発生。土砂が長江の支流の清江になだれ込み、川をせき止めた“せき止め湖”が出来た。清江はこれまで水位が上昇し、17日には自治州の中心部・恩施市に水が流れ込み街が冠水 ...

◆200725 ニフティニュース https://bit.ly/2OTnIxP
中国の三峡ダムが崩壊すれば「原発9基が浸水?」…放射能流出 ...
中国では6月から続いている豪雨により、南部の揚子江中下流一帯が大氾濫の危機に瀕している。この地域に建設された世界最大規模の三峡ダムの水位が限界点に到達したことで、水圧による崩壊の可能性が叫ばれている中… Twitter. 記事全文.

◆200725 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/32QOWNF
【写真】恐怖の負の遺産・三峡ダムは最終的に爆破で取り壊さざる得ないのか? また、精神面では6月26日の記事「コロナで人生の終末を意識するようになった人に贈る『完全燃焼の心得』」、6月10日の記事「コロナ、暴動に満ちた今こそ『苦しいときの神頼み』の ...

◆200725 大紀元 https://bit.ly/2ZUWFZk
米国務省報道官によると、テキサス州のヒューストン中国総領事館の閉鎖命令は、中国共産党が米エネルギー企業を標的にした妨害活動に関連しているとした。 米FOXニュースは複数の情報筋の話として、中国領事館は、南シナ海での米エネルギー企業 ...

◆200725 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2WUBJQ7
「中国標準」国家が総力 技術支配、国際機関で主導権
... 中国の提案数が米国などを上回りトップに立った。世界標準のとりまとめで主導権を握り、技術面での支配力を強めて競争優位に立 ...

◆200725 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2WWv5Jn
技術の標準化 中国、規格統一で関与強め
... ▽…中国は製品やサービスの規格や評価方法を統一して、互換性や品質を確保する標準化に力を入れている。国際機関や各国の公的機関で定める標準を「デジュール標準」と呼ぶ。国際標準化機構(ISO)や国際電気 ...

◆200725 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3jCLKvc
東南アジア各地で米中「論争」 南シナ海巡る対立激化で
南シナ海は、中国が絶対に放棄しない核心的利益の一つ。中東から石油や天然ガスを安全に運ぶシーレーン(海上交通路)の要衝だ。この海域での中国の利権を米国が ...


◆200725 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/2ZZqjN3
New China-Iran partnership would heap more uncertainty on ...
Vandana Hari is founder of Singapore-based Vanda Insights, which tracks energy markets. ... The South Asian giant remains keen to help Iran develop its oil and gas resources, filling a vacuum created by the retreat of Western companies.

◆200725 Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/2EbODTm
A new axis of power
The Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the People's Republic of China, ... including many energy companies, after the nuclear deal was signed in 2015, which offered to buy oil and gas. ... China would also develop free-trade zones in Maku, in northwestern Iran; in Abadan, where the Shatt al-Arab river flows into the Persian Gulf, and on the gulf island Qeshm.

◆200725 The Indian Express https://bit.ly/3eVExCN
Beyond the Iran-China deal
What has been lost in the alarmist readings of the “Iran-China deal” is that relations between the Islamic Republic and China ... administration's dual-containment policy, and then during the more than a decade long nuclear-standoff between Iran and ... In 2012, at the height of crippling international sanctions, China was buying 54 per cent of Iran's oil exports through ... power”, a point stressed by Foreign Minister Javad Zarif when Iranian lawmakers grilled him over the deal with China, ...
意見 · 9時間前

◆200725 Tech Xplore https://bit.ly/2EhSa2G
China's energy infrastructure mapped
To more accurately capture China's complete energy system it now features not only oil infrastructure, but also coal power plants, nuclear power plants and electric vehicle battery factories. "We hope our map becomes the cornerstone publicly ...

◆200725 Wall Street Journal https://on.wsj.com/2ZUXMrY
China Pushes Energy Reform With Pipeline Deals
China is moving to wean its economy off coal and boost use of cleaner natural gas, with two of the country's energy giants ... The state-owned firm, known formally as China Oil & Gas Pipeline Network Corp., was set up late last year. ... at BNP Paribas Asset Management, said separating energy exploration and transmission would help spur greater efficiency. ... An abundance of fossil fuels combined with advances in technology to harness wind and solar power has sent energy prices ...

◆200725 Reuters https://reut.rs/2EcSP5f
Water wars: Mekong River another front in U.S.-China rivalry
BANGKOK (Reuters) - The Mekong River has become a new front in U.S.-China rivalry, environmentalists and officials say, ... China's dams have given it extensive control of the waters that flow down to Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and ... China Sea, between the United States and China,” said Witoon Permpongsacharoen of the group Mekong Energy and ... a life-giving resource, and it's very difficult for them to openly challenge the Chinese government on its dam building,” ...

◆200725 INSIDER https://bit.ly/3jzS0no
Video: World's longest glass bridge opens over Lianjiang River in China - Insider
The bridge over the Lianjiang River also has four observation decks in the middle, which can hold 500 tourists at once, according to China News Service via Lad Bible. It took three years and cost 300 million yuan ($43 million) to build, according ...

◆200725 Bloomberg https://bloom.bg/2OTJDVx
China and Japan Should Stop Promoting Coal
... of energy, but local authorities see new coal plants as an easy source of stimulus, jobs and demand for domestic coal. Japan argues it can't afford to eliminate coal because of fierce resistance to restarting nuclear plants after the Fukushima ...



◆200725 DIGIMA NEWS ( http://www.digima-news.com/ )https://bit.ly/3hAefaU
インドネシア:7月末に着工へ MRT第2期 タムリン通りは縮小
大量高速鉄道(MRT)を運営するジャカルタ特別州営「MRTジャカルタ(MRTJ)」のウィリアム・サバンダル社長は22日の会見で、南北線第2フェーズの「201工区」について、今月末の着工を目指す方針を示した。また、着工に伴い駅周辺の一部の通りで、道幅の ...

◆200725 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2OVWyXa
インドネシア海軍 南シナ海で大規模演習
演習では陸上訓練も取り入れ水陸両用作戦の強化を狙い、ナトゥナ諸島防衛を意識した。インドネシア海軍のアフマディ・ヘリ・プラウォノ司令官は「新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大はあっても、軍の即応性に支障は ...

◆200725 【フィリピン経済ニュース】丸紅、アヤラ系発電事業に50%出資 ...primer.ph › economy › top_news › marubeni-and-ayal...https://bit.ly/2ZW8wGo
23 時間前 - アヤラ財閥のアヤラコーポレーション(アヤラコープ)傘下の発電企業であるACエナジー・フィリピン(比ACエナジー)は、7月23日、フィリピン ... そして、丸紅系とアヤラ系の合弁事業となる150メガワットのディーゼル火力発電所は、ルソン地域に電力を供給する。


◆200725 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/32SNbzK
Unilever projects H1 sales growth, appoints former energy minister as commissioner - The Jakarta Post
The cooling economic activity has taken its toll on people's purchasing power as millions have lost their jobs. In an email interview with The Jakarta Post in May, Unilever Indonesia president director Hemant Bakshi shared his expectation that ...

◆200725 Offshore Oil and Gas Magazine https://bit.ly/2D5iOLD
Single-well platform, tieback expected for Paus Biru offshore ...
Cue Energy expects the partners in the Sampang PSC offshore Indonesia to submit a plan of development soon for the Paus Biru gas discovery. Jul 24th, 2020.

◆200725 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/3jFFT8v
Rosatom Proposal for First Indonesian Nuclear Plant Being Examined in Jakarta - Ambassador
MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 24th July, 2020) A detailed proposal produced by the Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom for the construction of Indonesia's first nuclear power plant is currently being examined by officials in ...

◆200725 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/302L76x
China refuses to quit on the Philippines
In subsequent years, China pledged to invest in the Philippines through the "Belt and Road" initiative (BRI) and to ... Duterte's decision was hailed by Beijing as evidence the United States was losing the great power competition with ... In an op-ed timed to run after Pompeo's speech, U.S. Ambassador Sung Kim wrote that “Beijing's harassment of Philippine fisheries and offshore energy development ...

◆200725 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/2Bxo4XW
China's self-inflicted wounds in the South China Sea
Pompeo's statement supporting the Philippines and highlighting the salience of international laws is rather intriguing as the United States ... Seemingly, the U.S. support to the Philippines is making headway in Manila's corridors of power, leading to a rejuvenation of ties. ... In response, the U.S. also conducted a competing naval exercise involving two of its nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, the USS Nimitz ...



◆200722 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/2DZg0jo
李総理は席上、「習近平中国共産党中央委員会総書記・国家主席はブンニャン・ヴォーラチット・ラオス人民革命党中央委員会書記長兼国家主席と緊密な意思疎通を保っている」とした上で、両国が共同議長国を務める瀾滄江・メコン川協力の第3回首脳会議 ...

◆200722 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/39jDXh5
中老鉄路、北部の橋2本で桁設置完了 ラオス・運輸
2本の橋はメコン川に架けられ、うち… 関連国・地域 : 中国/ラオス. 関連業種 : 建設・不動産/ ...

◆200722 PJA NEWS https://bit.ly/2CYNQ7W
パタヤ現地メディアのThePattayaNewsが伝えています。 (タイのプラユット首相 写真:ThePattayaNews). 本日の2020年7月21日の午後、 ...

◆200722 読売新聞 https://bit.ly/3jpSg8l
昨年9月の1審判決によると、内田被告は元執行役員ら2人(有罪確定)と共謀。15年2月、同社が建設を請け負うタイ南部の火力発電所近くの仮設桟橋に建設用資材を荷揚げする際、桟橋の使用を認めてもらう見返りに、タイ運輸省港湾局の現地支局長に約 ...

◆200722 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://bit.ly/3hpg2PY
日系15社がベトナムに生産移転へ 海外サプライチェーン多元化 ...
ベトナムに移転する15社のうち9社が中小企業、6社が大企業。製造品別では、医薬製造機器や医療用防護服・ガウン、医療用フェイスシールドなどの医療関連製品を生産する企業が全体 ...

◆200722 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3fQmIq8
北東部2州の低圧送電線、運営を開始 カンボジア・電力・ガス・水道
カンボジア鉱業・エネルギー省エネルギー局のビクター・ジョナ局長は、北東部ラタナキリ州と東部モンドルキリ州を結ぶ低圧送電線が17日、稼働したことを明らかにした。プノンペン・ポスト(電子版)が20日伝えた。 送電線の整備を手掛けたカンボジア電力 ...

◆200722 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/3eN3iRK
中国・カンボジア自由貿易協定交渉が完了 外交部は今後の ...
これについて、外交部の汪文斌報道官は21日の定例記者会見で、「この協定は両国の人民により多くの確実な利益と発展のチャンスをもたらし、『一帯一路』の質の高い共同建設と中国・カンボジア運命共同体の構築の上で、新たな原動力となるだろう」と示しました ...

◆200722 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3jCLDQm
カンボジアとのFTA妥結、一帯一路を推進 中国・マクロ・統計 ...
【北京共同】中国商務省は20日、中国とカンボジアの自由貿易協定(FTA)交渉が妥結したと発表した。年内の調印を目指す。新型コロナウイルスの影響で各国との貿易が伸び悩む中、親中国カンボジアとの経済関係強化を急ぐ構えだ。 共同声明では、中国主導 ...


◆200719 The Star Online https://bit.ly/3fJ2LBA
Laos: The Lancang-Mekong river cooperation sees regional ...
VIENTIANE, July 18 (The Vientiane Times/ANN): The Lancang-Mekong River is a vital waterway linking six countries - China and five nations from the South-East Asian region. In China, it's known as the Lancang River. Once it flows out of ...

◆200719 WION https://bit.ly/3fGl9Lq
Drought hits farmers, fishermen in Mekong Delta
00:00 / 00:00. ○. Live. Your video will be available shortly. Follow Us. According to the Mekong River Commission (MRC), farmers and fishermen along the Mekong river are facing drought. Mekong river recorded 70 per cent less rainfall this ...

◆200719 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/2WvXZj1
Ayala expands RE investment in Vietnam with 210MW wind farm
Ayala's AC Energy Inc. is building up renewable energy investment portfolio in the Vietnamese market with its ... AC Energy that Vestas will be supporting with supply of turbines – the other one is a 60MW project to be sited at Mekong Delta in ... Clausse stressed “as an ideal place for investing in renewable energy, wit its ripe market for wind power and notable GDP growth, AC Energy sees Vietnam as a ...

◆200719 Pattaya Mail https://bit.ly/3hfozF4
The Chao Phraya River begins in Nakhon Sawan and it's ...
The convergence of all the rivers joins together at the dam at Pak Nam Bohi. The point where they meet is clearly delineated by the distinct colours of two of them: The Nan River runs red while the Ping ... giant freshwater whipray, Mekong giant catfish, giant feather back, black giant gourami, red-eyed white striped catfish, ...

◆200719 Chiang Rai Times https://bit.ly/30r4qFu
Key Economic Ministers Resignations Signs Thailand’s PM Losing Power
Key Economic Ministers Resignations Signs Thailand's PM Losing Power ... Trakulhoon, chairman of the Thai Bankers' Association Preedee Daochai and the former CEO and president of the PTT oil and gas company, Pailin Chuchottaworn.

◆200719 The Japan Times https://bit.ly/3eH4SEw
Japan joins $14.4 billion syndicated loan for LNG project in ...
The Golfinho-Atum gas field off the northern coast of Mozambique plans to produce a total of some 13 million tons of LNG a year from 2024. ... to 5 percent of Japan's annual demand — will be shipped to Tokyo Gas Co., Tohoku Electric Power Co. and other utilities. “The loan will contribute to long-term, stable securing of LNG, an important energy resource for Japan, as well as the diversification ... LNG generates less carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases than coal, for instance.

◆200719 sggpnews https://bit.ly/32sOVPY
Vietnam implements carbon pricing strategy for lowering ...
“Carbon pricing”, a market-based strategy for lowering Green House Gas emissions, aims to put an actual monetary value on carbon emissions so that the costs of climate impacts and the opportunities for low-carbon energy options are better ...

◆200719 Padova News https://bit.ly/2BdsGSN
Risen Energy inks EPC contract for a 250 MW project in Vietnam
(Immediapress – Adnkronos Immediapress e' un servizio di diffusione di comunicati stampa in testo originale redatto direttamente dall'ente che lo emette. Padovanews non e' responsabile per i contenuti dei comunicati trasmessi.).

◆200719 US Embassy in Burma https://bit.ly/3jlqLwA
How the Erosion of Sovereignty Elsewhere Impacts Myanmar ...
As Myanmar has focused on the fight against COVID-19 in recent months, many of its friends, including the United States, ... including vast reserves of oil and gas and some of the world's richest fisheries—the very livelihood of millions who call ... consultative processes that include the voices of local communities and that put economic prosperity and power back in ... When negotiating energy, communications, or transportation infrastructure projects, Myanmar benefits when it is not ...

◆200719 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/3eJb7rA
A strong family of BRI in South Asia
Myanmar is also in this bonded under one of the sixth planned Economic corridor – China-Bangladesh-Myanmar Economic Corridor. It is also ... On the domestic front, Russia is mired with sluggish economic growth due to oil glut. In the post ...

◆200719 Modern Diplomacy https://bit.ly/2OApUdz
Renewed energy to Indo-Russian ties
On the domestic front, Russia is mired with sluggish economic growth due to oil glut. In the post ... Myanmar is also in this bonded under one of the sixth planned Economic corridor – China-Bangladesh-Myanmar Economic Corridor. It is also ...



◆200724 ニコニコニュース https://bit.ly/3g114Q0
インドで中国製品不買運動、デモで誤って米国の地図を使用 ...
記事では、今年の6月中旬にインド北部ラダック地方の国境地帯で発生した中印両軍の衝突の影響により、インド全土で起きている中国製品不買運動のうち、西ベンガル州の州都コルカタのデモ行進の画像を紹介。画像には「ボイコットチャイナ」をスローガンに、 ...

◆200724 Viewpoint https://bit.ly/3jBQfWI
3年前にはブータン西部のドラクム高原に侵攻してきた中国人民解放軍と衝突があったばかりだが、今年6月のカシミールでの衝突では20人以上のインド兵士が犠牲になった。 「政権は銃口から生まれる」との毛沢東ドグマをベースにした覇権国家志向の中国を ...

◆200724 ムービーバンク https://bit.ly/3eZo4NU
2028年までに驚くべき成長を目撃する送電線および鉄塔市場 ...
これは、利害関係者が送電線と鉄塔市場の主要な傾向と展望を理解し、成長機会と競争シナリオを特定するのに役立ちます。レポートは、さまざまなプライマリ ... 予測期間中、中国とインドは大きな需要を記録すると予想されます。予測期間中、アラブ首長国 ...


◆200724 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/30IvT5G
Indus River System Authority releases 274,300 cusecs water
According to the data released by IRSA, water level in the Indus River at Tarbela Dam was 1460.16 feet, which was 74.16 feet higher than its dead level 1386 feet. Water inflow in the dam was recorded as 170,200 cusecs and outflow as ...

◆200724 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/3fWsaaN
All main rivers continue to flow normal: FFC
The Federal Flood Commission (FFC) has said at present all main rivers of Indus River System are flowing in "Normal Flow Condition" and there is no riverine flood situation. ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd Jul, 2020 ) ...

◆200724 Financial Express https://bit.ly/30Iskw5
Kakrapar-3 Atomic Power Plant: What does it mean for India’s nuclear energy programme?
Kakrapar-3 Atomic Power Plant: What does it mean for India's nuclear energy programme? ... The indigenously-built third unit of Kakrapar Atomic Power Station (KAPP-3) on Wednesday achieved criticality, which marks a significant ... India is a big country so it needs a large amount of electricity generating capacity to cater to the rising energy demand. ... The new 700MWe unit at Kakrapar addresses the issue of excess thermal margin which is an optimisation of PHWR design. It also ...

◆200724 Times Now https://bit.ly/2WNqdG7
'Trailblazer for future achievements': Nuclear power has its Aatmanirbhar moment with Kakrapar-3
Key Highlights. India currently produces under 2 per cent of its electricity through its nuclear power plants, but it has set a goal to increase its nuclear power ...

◆200724 Telangana Today https://bit.ly/2OQzQj7
Boost for nuclear power
An indigenous nuclear reactor at the Kakrapar Atomic Power Project in Gujarat achieving criticality reflects a major ... Though India has 22 nuclear reactors in operation at seven nuclear power plants with a total installed capacity of 6,780 ... Nuclear energy is a smart option for a country like India where millions of people still don't have access to power and the domestic energy consumption demand has ...

◆200724 Dhaka Tribune https://bit.ly/2CLaOzx
Nepal allows trade electricity with India, Bangladesh
The NEA can now trade electricity in any state of India, said Kulman Ghising, managing director of the NEA. According to Energy Secretary Dinesh Ghimire, the government's nod has come at a time when Nepal's power generation is increasing.

◆200724 Nuclear Engineering https://bit.ly/3jyB8xp
India's Kakrapur 3 achieves criticality
Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated nuclear scientists, saying the reactor is a shining example of the 'Make in India' campaign and a trailblazer for many such future achievements. India developed its own nuclear power generation ...

◆200724 EurAsian Times https://bit.ly/32MNSdO
Nuclear Security Index Ranks Australia The Best, Pakistan ...
Pakistan was the most improved country in the theft ranking for countries with weapons-usable nuclear materials, improving its overall score by 7 points. The majority of Pakistan's improvements are in the Security and Control Measures category ...

◆200724 DAWN.com https://bit.ly/3eVavPM
Pakistan 'most improved' country on US nuclear security index
A United States study on worldwide nuclear materials security for 2020 has said Pakistan is the "most improved country" after increasing its overall score by seven points. ... According to the National Threat Initiative Nuclear Security Index report for 2020, the majority of improvements were in the ... for the Suppression of Nuclear Terrorism, and taking voluntary actions to support the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). ... Pakistan is far superior than India as nuclear power nation.

◆200724 The Nation https://bit.ly/3fWtfzn
Pakistan ranked most improved in protecting nuclear materials
Pakistan claims to have established independent regulatory bodies with adequate legal authority to fulfil their assigned nuclear security responsibilities, including the National Command Authority (NCA), Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission ( ...

◆200724 Xinhua https://bit.ly/32Vse7n
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to create new ...
The president said with the collaboration of China, the Pakistani government was also building Diamer-Bhasha dam, a vital project for water, food and energy security of Pakistan. The project would generate thousands of employment ...

◆200724 Khabarhub https://bit.ly/2Egal8X
Minister Pun urges Bangladesh to invest in Nepal’s hydropower
A bilateral agreement was signed between Nepal and Bangladesh at the Power and Energy Conference held in Dhaka on September 13, 2018 to purchase 9,000 MW of electricity from Nepal by 2040. Earlier, a memorandum of understanding ...

◆200724 MyRepublica https://bit.ly/39A4KWJ
Power supply disrupted for 15 days in western Myagdi
MYAGDI, July 23: The western belt of Myagdi district has witnessed power supply disruption for the last 15 days after the flood and landslides washed away the electricity transformer, transmission lines and dozens of electric poles. ... According to Bani-based distribution centre of Nepal Electricity Authority, power supply was halted after the flooding and landslides ... Chairman of Annapurna Rural Municipality Dam Bahadur Pun said that industries and hotel businesses in the rural ...

◆200724 Defence Aviation Post https://bit.ly/2OTBZuw
The India-Nepal Dispute: What, and Why Now? -
The Kalapani-Limpaidhura-Lipulekh trijunction territorial dispute centres on the source of the River Kali. Nepal's stance is that that the river originates from a stream north-west of Lipulekh, bringing Kalapani, Limpiyadhura, and Lipulekh within its ...

◆200724 Himalayan Times https://bit.ly/2ZSR6uu
Reconstruction of bridge swept by flooded river expedited in ...
Issuing a follow-up notice today, chief of Lalitpur Branch Office of Guthi Sansthan, Rajan Bhuju, informed that the procession has been postponed for now, owing to the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Read More... Nepal's COVID-19 tally hits ...

◆200724 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/3hpSSJk
Assam Devastated by Floods Again – The Diplomat
The flooding in Assam was aggravated by the release of water from the Kurichu dam in Bhutan, which inundated the ... cause floods in Assam: the rise in the river bed due to siltation, the unstable nature of the river, the breach of embankments, ...

◆200724 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/30Kjdej
China's Bhutan Gambit – The Diplomat
75 Years After Trinity: The Human Cost of Nuclear Tests ... China is stepping up pressure on Bhutan to settle their bilateral border dispute. In addition to laying claim to more territory in Bhutan, Beijing has revived an old land swap deal that will require ... Additionally, it would give China “a launch pad for an offensive through the Rangpo River valley towards Kalimpong” in ... Vietnam is compensating international oil companies after cancelling their contracts in the dispute region over ...

◆200724 Eastern Mirror https://bit.ly/30GXggn
Integrated Flood-Control Measures Needed For Assam
While encroachments of low lying areas and habitation along the banks forces river waters to spill over, man-made problems ... It is imperative to bring all the states and countries like China, Bangladesh and Bhutan that share the Brahmaputra ...

◆200724 Livemint https://bit.ly/2E8AIgQ
India to set up solar power park in Sri Lanka
NEW DELHI : India plans to build a solar power park in Sri Lanka as part of a strategy to project its presence in the Indian Ocean Region ... State-run Ceylon Electricity Board has an installed power generation capacity of around 35.8 gigawatts (GW). ... Petronet LNG Ltd had earlier announced its plans of setting up a liquefied natural gas terminal in Sri Lanka. ... Queries emailed to the spokespersons of NTPC and India's ministry of new and renewable energy remained unanswered.

◆200724 Ceylon Daily News https://bit.ly/2WSa8ix
India and Sri Lanka to explore new areas of economic ...
High Commissioner of India to Sri Lanka, Gopal Baglay spoke at a virtual event titled “Deepening Economic Collaboration ... The High Commissioner outlined a few promising areas for such collaboration such as infrastructure, energy, ... Main items of Imports from India to Sri Lanka are: Gas oil/ Diesel, Motorcycles, Pharmaceutical Products, Portland ... copper and other metal industries), tires, cement, glass manufacturing, and infrastructure development (railway, power, water supply).

◆200724 adaderana.lk https://bit.ly/3g2zv9a
Vallibel Power enters into a Power Purchase Agreement with ...
Sri Lanka's listed largest public-quoted mini hydropower company, Vallibel Power Erathna PLC, announced yesterday (22) that it has entered into a Power Purchase Agreement with the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) on 07 July 2020, for the ...




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Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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