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2020年9月16日 決して忘れてはならない「中国の香港弾圧を支持した53カ国















◆200916 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3c2ADrR
中国の「ワクチン外交」は世界に災いをもたらす 安全性・有効性に問題ありでも日本に売り込み(デイリー新潮)
中国は新型コロナウイルスの感染が世界的に拡大した今年2月に、世界各国にマスクと防護服など医療物資を送る ... 今年6月、習近平国家主席は中国・アフリカ防疫団結テレビ会議で「中国がワクチンを開発すればアフリカ諸国に率先して恩恵 ...

◆200916 WEDGE Infinity https://bit.ly/2FGkKeR
こうした文脈において、一帯一路の野心的なプロジェクトとして出ているのが、マレー半島で最も狭いタイ南部のクラ地峡に運河を建設し、中国からインド洋への第二の海路を開く計画である。この運河ができれば、インド洋、アフリカ、中東 ...

◆200916 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2ZCIWpq
決して忘れてはならない「中国の香港弾圧を支持した53カ国 ...
スイスで今年6月に開かれた国連人権理事会で、中国による香港国家安全維持法導入の賛否が問われ、「中国に反対」が日本や欧州などの27カ国だったのに対し、「 ... アジア=中国、北朝鮮、カンボジア、スリランカ、ネパール、パキスタン、ミャンマー、ラオス ... 中東=アラブ首長国連邦、イエメン、イラク、イラン、オマーン、クウェート、サウジアラビア、シリア、バーレーン、レバノン、パレスチナ ... 第二に、多くが中国の巨大経済圏構想「一帯一路」の参加国である点だ。

◆200916 JBpress https://bit.ly/3hDRfHI
新型コロナウイルスによる世界全体での移動規制、貿易問題に始まった米中間の対立などで、世界各国は9月からもう一つ新しい変化に直面しています。それは、中国からの留学生たちです。 日本では多くの学校の学期が4月開始ですが、世界 ...

◆200916 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2E5i0Ht
中国側が最も懸念するのは日米が結束して対中圧力を強める事態で、特に米国の中距離弾道ミサイルが日本に配備されるかを注視している。 菅氏は総裁選で、アジア版NATO(北大西洋条約機構)を創設するとの石破茂元幹事長の主張 ...

◆200916 現代ビジネス https://bit.ly/3izNqEP
金正恩、ここへきて北朝鮮の命運を握る「究極の選択」に苦悶 ...
もしバフェットならばこう投資する…! 大原 浩. まるで巨大な赤ん坊…中国人が北欧で起こした「 ...

◆200916 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2H4ARn8
中国は「トランプ落選」を望んでいるか――混迷のアメリカ ...
民主党の大統領候補指名を受諾した際の演説で、バイデンは習近平国家主席を「悪党」と呼んだ一方、トランプ政権がコロナ蔓延に関して中国に説明責任を果たさせることができなかったと批判した。また、民主党のCMはトランプが習近平 ...



◆200916 東洋経済オンライン https://bit.ly/3hBhJK2

◆200916 PR TIMES https://bit.ly/2ZJdplL
本案件は、「電源接続案件募集プロセス(栃木県北部・中部エリア)」の制度のもと、発電した電気は東京電力パワーグリッド株式会社にFIT(注1)による20年間の売電を予定しております。 箭坪発電所は、ファーストソーラーが事業運営を ...

◆200916 MONEYzine https://bit.ly/33AtGKK
オリックス、インドの再生可能エネルギー事業者「Greenko ...
オリックスは、インドの大手再生可能エネルギー事業会社であるGreenko Energy Holdings(以下、Greenko)の株式の一部取得について、基本合意書を締結。年内に本契約ならびに株式取得手続きの完了を目指す。 オリックスは、創業者 ...

◆200916 ロイター https://reut.rs/2RuzdwT
[デジョン(韓国) 14日 ロイター] - 韓国政府が先月、拡充した半導体材料の試験施設をお披露目した際に目玉となったのは、サムスン電子005930.KSが格安で売ってくれた最新鋭の露光装置だった。

◆200916 ITmedia https://bit.ly/2FKT9Ja
米、Huawei向け半導体禁輸を強化 スマホ生産に打撃
【ワシントン=塩原永久、北京=三塚聖平】トランプ米政権は15日、中国通信機器大手、Huaweiへの半導体輸出を全面的に禁じる新規制を施行した。従来の輸出規制を強化して汎用(はんよう)品の半導体も禁輸対象とした。Huaweiは中核 ...



◆200916 ITmedia https://bit.ly/3mmb8H3
米、Huawei向け半導体禁輸を強化 スマホ生産に打撃
中国政府は強く反発しており、ハイテク覇権を争う米中対立が、個別企業を標的にした報復合戦に発展する恐れもある。 米商務省は5月、米国の技術を用いて製造した海外メーカーの半導体供給を禁じた。ただ、対象をHuawei ...

◆200916 Business Journal https://bit.ly/2RvsdzY
BP「世界の原油需要80%減」、中国の少子高齢化の衝撃 ... バルキンドOPEC事務局長は声明を出し、「石油市場の秩序と安定を目的とし、役割を拡大してきた」と1960年以来の歩みを讃えたが、米国のシェール革命などによって生じた ...

◆200916 チャイナネット https://on.china.cn/2RvuHhH
中国の電力消費量、1−8月に年内初のプラス成長を実現_中国 ...
国家能源局の発表によると、今年1−8月の中国の全社会電力消費量は4兆7676億kWhで、前年同期比0.5%増だった。全社会電力消費量の下げ幅の縮小が続いた後、年内初のプラス成長となった。同時に第二次産業と第三次産業の電力消費量の ...

◆200916 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3krKsCZ
石油依存の同盟国に痛手. 2020年9月16日 0:00 [有料会員限定記事].

◆200916 WIRED.jp https://bit.ly/3krKr1T
中国の通信機器大手であるファーウェイ(華為技術)は米国の制裁措置により、最新の製造技術でつくられたチップを購入できない状態にある。アーム製品が利用できないとなれば、さらなる圧力になるだろう。 今回の買収はまた、AIと ...

◆200916 AFPBB News https://bit.ly/3bZtWHe
【9月15日 Xinhua News】中国の8月の乗用車販売台数は前年同月比8・9%増の170万3千台、1~8月の販売台数累計は前年同期比15・2%減の1101万4千台だった。うち新エネルギー車(NEV)の販売は急増、8月の新エネルギー乗用車卸売 ...

◆200916 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3kgNmtS
半導体輸出4割が対中国、華為制裁で打撃も 韓国・IT・通信
15日に発効された米国政府による中国の華為技術(ファーウェイ)に対する制裁で、韓国の半導体産業が深刻な打撃を受ける可能性が現実味を増してきた。韓国の半導体輸出に占める中国向けの比率は4割超に上っているためだ。 韓国貿易 ...


◆200916 OilPrice.com https://bit.ly/3mq6ho9
China's Oil Demand Recovery May Be More Impressive Than Thought
Learn how energy insiders think. Receive our cutting-edge 3-part investor education series for FREE; PLUS, get our Weekly Intelligence Report to stay one step ahead of the markets ...

◆200916 OilPrice.com https://bit.ly/33waluu
The Latest Threat For China's Natural Gas Demand
A drive to cut electricity prices for end-users has prompted Beijing to reduce gas-fired power plant tariffs, which has ... utilization rates fall because of the low tariffs, in some cases almost as low as those for coal-fired plants—the cheapest ones.

◆200916 Rigzone https://bit.ly/33y9Csz
China Oil Appetite Probably Bigger Than It Looks
Chinese fuel consumption was already back at year-earlier levels in May, Fairy Wang Pei, head of the research and strategy department at Unipec, said at the Platts APPEC 2020 conference. However, purchases of light-cycle oil and mixed ...

◆200916 JAPAN Forward https://bit.ly/2FGii89
Missile and Nuclear Proliferation Networks Linked to China Continue to Threaten It’s Neighbors
This brings to light the deeper linkages and nexus of North Korea with China, and the illicit nuclear and missile web that Beijing ran across Northeast Asia and South Asia with North Korea and Pakistan as its primary “client” states. China At the ...



◆200916 AFPBB News https://bit.ly/2FH8qe2
【9月15日 AFP】インドネシア外務省は14日、リアウ(Riau)諸島州付近の同国領海に先週、中国海警局(沿岸警備隊)の船艇が侵入したことに対し、中国政府に抗議したことを明らかにした。 リアウ諸島州に近いインドネシアの排他的経済 ...

◆200916 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/2FJsKMc
首都の社会制限、10月11日まで自動延長も可 インドネシア ...
インドネシア首都ジャカルタ特別州は、14日から強化した新型コロナウイルス対策の「大規模な社会的制限(PSBB)」の実施期間について、新規感染者数が大きく変動しない場合には、10月11日までさらに2週間、自動的に延長する方針 ...

◆200916 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3iCpbFX
JICA、保健省と感染症対応能力強化へ インドネシア ...

◆200916 Business Journal https://bit.ly/3ms0fmL
韓国とフィリピンのインターネットユーザーの間で突如、激しい罵り合いが発生し、火花がネット上のみならず、社会問題にまで波及しそうな気配がある。 事の発端は、フィリピンで人気のインフルエンサーが自身のタトゥーをTikTok上で ...

◆200916 newsclip.be https://bit.ly/35FB9ev
フィリピンにスタンバイ円借款500億円 災害復旧・感染症対策 ...
フィリピンは面積約30万平方キロ(日本の約8割)、人口約1億98万人(2015年、フィリピン国勢調査)、1人当たりの国民総所得(GNI)3850ドル(2019年、世界銀行)。 《newsclip》. SHARE THIS ENTRY ...

◆200916 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2FFtXUI
フィリピンの不動産開発会社フィリピン・インフラデブ・ホールディングス(PIHI)は、マニラ首都圏マカティ市での地下鉄建設について、フィリピン政府が新型コロナウイルスの水際対策で実施している外国人への渡航制限により着工 ...

◆200916 Sputnik 日本 https://bit.ly/32yLU09
フィリピンのドゥテルテ大統領は14日、新型コロナウイルスのワクチンについて、ロシア製及び中国製のワクチンを優先的に購入する意向を表した。ドゥテルテ大統領は、ロシア製と中国製のワクチンは前払い金を必要としない点で西側の ...

◆200916 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/33qCHGc
アルソンズ、水力発電事業で10億ペソ調達 フィリピン・電力 ...
フィリピンの投資持ち株会社アルソンズ・コンソリデーテッド・リソーシズ(ACR)は14日、10億ペソ(約21億円)相当のコマーシャルペーパー(CP、企業による無担保約束手形)を発行したと発表した。調達した資金は水力発電事業に ...

◆200916 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3bZY2uf
エネ省、油田探査4鉱区の落札者公表 フィリピン・天然資源
クシ・エネルギー相によると、フィリピンは油田探査・開発分野で東南アジアの周辺国に後れを取っている。石油・ガス探査の促進により、国内の電力需要の拡大に対応したい考えだ。 関連国・地域: ...


◆200916 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/2FIY51b
Indonesian coal firms turn to local market as exports flatten
Domestic consumption will be mainly driven by a new wave of coal-fired power plants (PLTU) being developed by state-owned electricity company PLN, the roadmap shows. “It's gonna be a huge demand setter,” said James Stevenson, senior ...

◆200916 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/2E4fRf0
Dream state: Jokowi struggles to build his vision for Indonesia
When Indonesian President Joko Widodo decided last year to pursue outlandish plans to build a new capital city in ... foreign governments are also counting on Jokowi to build Indonesia into a wealthier, more diplomatically active power that can ... That was nothing compared to the Jatigede Dam in West Java, delayed for similar reasons for 40 years -- until the ... of commodity price-fueled growth, as China's demand for Indonesian coal, rubber, and palm oil surged in the mid-2000s.

◆200916 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/3iC2PUX
Indonesian patrol confronts Chinese ship in economic zone
Indonesia does not have a territorial claim to the South China Sea, but a section of Indonesia's exclusive economic zone that includes natural gas fields lies within China's "nine-dash line." Chinese ships have regularly entered the area ...

◆200916 ANTARA https://bit.ly/3c3cJwH
Government to issue new regulation on EBT-based electricity tariff
New and renewable energy (EBT) is the attraction, while on the other hand, the production cost of this energy is still high. ... Jakarta (ANTARA) - Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif plans on issuing a regulation for improving ... Related news: Indonesia, Australia cooperate on renewable energy development ... We have geothermal, solar, biomass, and hydro energy sources, but they had yet to be utilized optimally. ... MRT plans to power trains with renewable energy.

◆200916 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/33s9YB2
Philippines gets energy exploration offers for 3 sites in disputed waters
Oracle Utilities. Oil & Gas · Coal · Power · Renewable · Environment · Economy · Companies · People Movement · Financial Results · The Energy Switch; More. x. Energy News · Latest Energy News · Oil & Gas ...

◆200916 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/2ZEonZC
Dennis Uy eyeing oil/gas exploration in conflict-ridden West Philippine Sea
Davao businessman Dennis Uy is setting his sights next on oil and gas exploration ventures at the West Philippine Sea, primarily at the Recto ... The other offers cornered by the DOE were from Troika Giant Power Corporation for nominated area No. ... The energy department earlier stated three of the nominated blocks straddle “conflict areas” in the West Philippine Sea, but the Philippine government ...

◆200916 Philippine Star https://bit.ly/3c4hLcb
MVP, Dennis Uy firms bid for WPS petroleum blocks
MANILA, Philippines — Energy companies led by business titans Manuel V. Pangilinan and Davao's Dennis Uy are among those that expressed ... Meanwhile, Troika Giant Power Corp. passed its bid application for Area 5 located in the Mindoro-Cuyo Basin. ... independence as it facilitates the exploration and development of indigenous energy resources, and revitalize the upstream oil and gas sector.

◆200916 Philippine Star https://bit.ly/35BQUTH
Duterte urges nations to reject war, eliminate nuclear weapons
MANILA, Philippines — President Rodrigo Duterte has urged nations to shun war, work for peace, and eliminate ... "Seventy five years ago, the world learned that the full power of nuclear weapons was finally unleashed on the people of ...

◆200916 manilastandard.net https://bit.ly/32zlOdu
Eliminate nuclear weapons—Du30
President Rodrigo Duterte has called on all nations to reject war and eliminate nuclear weapon, saying nuclear weapons will not make ... “Seventy-five years ago, the world learned that the full power of nuclear weapons was finally unleashed on the people of Hiroshima. ... “With our meaningful shared history, the Philippines and Japan have continued to do our utmost to fortify the foundations of peace, ...



◆200915 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/33szard
米がメコン川流域5か国に160億円拠出表明 中国けん制

◆200915 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3klYSo7
「日系企業の牙城」タイで静かに進む地殻変動(JBpress ...
近年は、「チャイナプラスワン」としてタイ進出ブームが起こり、2012年には5万5634人と前年比で11%も増えた。 文部科学省によれば、2020年4月時点で世界に日本人学校は95校あると言うが、バンコク日本人学校 ...

◆200915 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/32uYw8r
タイ政府、大学当局通じて学生の王室改革要求抑え込みへ 19日の反政府集会を前に
タイ政府の意向を受けた各県知事が大学当局を通じて、学生に王室改革の要求を取り下げさせることを目指している。サムチャイ・サワングカルン上院議員が13日、ロイターに語った。 同国では7月半ば以降、軍を後ろ盾とするプラユット首相 ...

◆200915 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3muiF6L
エネ省、新電力計画で容量200万kW削減へ タイ・電力・ガス ...
タイのエネルギー省は、今年末に新たな電力開発計画(PDP2022)の策定に着手することを検討している。新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響を反映させるためで、発電容量を200万キロワット(kW)縮小させる見通し。同省情報筋の話 ...

◆200915 VIETJOベトナムニュース https://bit.ly/2GRf1mP
市場調査会社ユーロモニター・インターナショナル(Euromonitor International)によると、ベトナムでの合併・買収(M&A)取引が急速に増加しており、伸び率は米国に次ぐ2位となる見通し。新型コロナ禍や米中貿易摩擦の影響により、中国以外 ...

◆200915 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/35xUMFf
カンポット州、大型の不動産開発計画を検討 カンボジア ...
カンボジアの南部カンポット州で、投資総額2,480万米ドル(約26億3,000万円)規模の不動産開発計画が浮上している。対象地域は同州カンポントラッチ地区の広さ42ヘクタールの土地で、地場不動産開発企業ゴールド・コースト・ ...

◆200915 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3bWRsV8
中国に傾くカンボジア、EU制裁を穴埋めできる? アジア総局長 高橋徹. 2020年9月15日 0:00 [有料会員限定記事]. 印刷する. 全て表示. カンボジアはわずか半年間の交渉で、中国とのFTAに合意した( ...

◆200915 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/33wOjHZ
ア開銀、送電線架設などに1.3億ドル融資 カンボジア・電力 ...
カンボジア電力公社(EDC)が手掛ける事業を支援する目的だ。クメール・タイムズ(電子版)が伝えた。 EDCは、首都プノンペンと中部コンポンチュナン、南東部コンポンチャム、南部タケオ各州の4 ...

◆200915 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/35D1ERt
安保理8カ国、ラカインでの平等な選挙要請 ミャンマー・政治
国連安全保障理事会の理事国8カ国は11日、11月8日にミャンマーで実施される総選挙について、西部ラカイン州で平等な投票が行われることなどを求める声明を共同で発表した。 声明は米国、英国、フランス、ドイツ、ベルギー、 ...

◆200915 MYANMAR JAPON(ミャンマージャポン) https://bit.ly/3c0QAyJ
ハンタワディ国際空港建設に向け日本政府と3項目で合意 – MJビジネス (ミャンマージャポン)
ハンタワディ国際空港の建設計画に関し、日本・ミャンマー両政府の間で3項目の合意事項が確認されていることがわかった。ハンタワディ国際空港建設計画実行委員会の2回目の会議でヘンリー・バンティーユ副大統領が発表したもの。7Day ...

◆200915 ハンガリー、ラオスで9事業を支援へ ラオス・マクロ・統計 ...https://bit.ly/32va2k7
ラオスとハンガリーの両政府は11日、ラオスの社会経済開発を支援するためにハンガリー企業が実施する9事業について、首都ビエンチャンで契約書を締結した。9件の事業規模は計2億米ドル(約212億円)。ビエンチャン・タイムズ(電子 ...

◆200915 中国国際放送 https://bit.ly/2FDT2z6
中国・ラオス鉄道のトンネル、1543日かけてついに貫通. 2020-09-14 13:46 CRI. 9月13日午前、中老昆万(中国・ラオス、昆明・ビエンチャン)鉄道友誼トンネルは、1200人余りの労働者による1543日間の刻苦奮闘の末に無事貫通しました。

◆200915 ニフティニュース https://bit.ly/35FC4LN
中国への貿易依存度が高いカンボジア、ミャンマー、ラオス~新型コロナのワクチン問題も. 野村)そうです。この背景には、本当に中国との領海問題を抱えている国と、そうではない国がASEANのなかにはあるということです。それを中国が ...


◆200915 Bangkok Post https://bit.ly/2FxmBmr
Mekong-US Partnership heralds united future
Whether you are negotiating a high-stakes business deal or building a regional power grid, success hinges on the ... In upgrading our efforts with the Mekong-US Partnership, the United States will support even greater connectivity and ... I recently spoke with Thailand's newly appointed Energy Minister, Supattanapong Punmeechaow, who outlined ... For example, the Japan-US-Mekong Power Partnership provides Mekong countries with resources to increase regional electricity trade, ...

◆200915 AsiaNews https://bit.ly/2H0DKFw
VIETNAM – UNITED STATES Economics and water ...
Hanoi (AsiaNews) – The Mekong-US Partnership (MUSP) between the United States and countries in the downstream of Mekong River seeks to promote greater economic ties, better water and natural resource management, more effective ...

◆200915 Mirage News https://bit.ly/2FyQX7Q
Launch of Mekong-U.S. Partnership: Expanding U.S. ...
Through the Japan-U.S.-Mekong Power Partnership (JUMPP), the United States is providing technical and advisory support to ... Our assistance has helped countries increase their use of renewable energy, promote cross-border electricity trade, ... electric utility on establishing an energy trading company and on preparing for third-party access to transmission. ... dam operations had manipulated natural river flows in the Mekong River, generating widespread media attention and ...

◆200915 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/35FCK3N
How Meaningful is the New US-Mekong Partnership?
In announcing the new Mekong-U.S. Partnership at a meeting in Hanoi, the U.S. State Department pledged at least ... Beginning high up in the Tibetan Plateau inside China, the 4,350-kilometer Mekong River winds its way through all five ... In April, a report released by the U.S.-based research and consulting company Eyes on Earth, concluded that the dam ... For the U.S., on the other hand, it is just one of many far-flung regions in which it is seeking to counter China's rising power.

◆200915 Science Daily https://bit.ly/2ZAuK00
Dams exacerbate the consequences of climate change on ...
May 31, 2018 — Farmers and anglers in Cambodia depend on the Mekong River's predictable seasonal patterns, but new dams for hydroelectricity are altering the hydrology of the river. These changes have the potential ... Mapping Movements ...

◆200915 Asia Times https://bit.ly/33mMtco
Laos the latest China debt trap victim
Laos has borrowed heavily to invest in several Mekong River hydropower projects as well as the $6 billion high-speed rail project, a key ... Xinhua also quoted Khammany Inthirath, Lao minister for energy and mines, as saying that China Southern Power Grid Company's ... China's taking over Laos' electricity sector in lieu of paying debts has shown other regional countries the risks of BRI debt traps, few ...

◆200915 Xinhua https://bit.ly/3kfYnvE
New industrial estate in Thailand to become logistics center in ...
Thai goods cargoes will be transported from the Udon Thani industrial estate across the Mekong River to the Lao capital Vientiane and then to Vietnam, according to the IEAT governor. The Udon Thani industrial estate, which will be the 16th ...

◆200915 STL.News https://bit.ly/2FySM4H
US Department of State: Deputy Secretary Biegun’s Participation in the First U.S.-Mekong Partnership Min ...
The United States, represented at the first U.S.-Mekong Partnership Ministerial Meeting by Deputy Secretary of State ... to counter transnational crime ($55 million), to develop energy markets under Asia EDGE ($33 million), and to counter ...

◆200915 benarnews https://bit.ly/2DZT9Vi
Thailand: Authorities Summon University Execs to Discuss ...
Thailand's Interior Ministry has summoned university administrators from across the nation to discuss concerns about student protesters seeking to reduce the power of the monarchy, according to a letter seen by BenarNews. The meeting ...

◆200915 PV-Tech https://bit.ly/3kkY8zg
JinkoSolar supplies 611MW of modules for Vietnamese project
JinkoSolar has supplied more than 600MW of modules for a utility-scale solar farm in Vietnam. A total of 611MW of Jinko's Tiger bifacial modules featuring transparent backsheets were supplied to the Thuan Nam solar power project in Vietnam, ... UPC-AC Energy is a joint venture between UPC Renewables and AC Energy which has a pipeline of more than 1GW of ... Installation - Renewable Heat/Solar Thermal, ,, Installation - Residential Storage, ,, Installation - Roofing Contractor ...

◆200915 AsiaNews https://bit.ly/32vupxN
VIETNAM – UNITED STATES Economics and water ...
Hanoi (AsiaNews) – The Mekong-US Partnership (MUSP) between the United States and countries in the downstream of Mekong River seeks to promote greater economic ties, better water and natural resource management, more effective ...

◆200915 Xinhua https://bit.ly/3hxqCnE
Cambodia sends 218 troops to peacekeeping mission in Mali ...
He said that Cambodia takes COVID-19 transmission seriously and will take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the virus and protect the peacekeepers. He said the NCPF also reminds all Cambodian forces who are on overseas ...

◆200915 UCAN https://bit.ly/2RsCGfy
A dead river in Myanmar's mountains - ucanews.com ...
... © Copyright 2020, Union of Catholic Asian News Limited. All rights reserved. Except for any fair dealing permitted under the Hong Kong Copyright Ordinance, no part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without prior ...

◆200915 pna.gov.ph https://bit.ly/3hxyLZw
DOE clears bidders for oil exploration in WPS
MANILA – The Department of Energy (DOE) has opened the bids submitted by parties interested to explore untapped ... compared to the annual exploration activities of Vietnam at 24, Myanmar at 29, Thailand at 594, and Indonesia at 900. Bolstering the oil and gas exploration will help the country to meet its power requirement of 43,765 megawatts by 2040, he said. ... PH gets P336-M from EU for sustainable energy projects · Better policies seen to drive renewable energy growth.

◆200915 benarnews https://bit.ly/32v3emD
Pompeo Says Chinese Companies Follow Predatory ...
... Monday said China's state-owned companies engage in predatory business practices in the Mekong River region and the Chinese ... It should include water and water-related data, as well as land use, and dam construction and operation data. ... Countries of the Mekong – Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam – “deserve good partners,” Pompeo said. ... to improving energy infrastructure and markets in the Mekong region, and $2 million to counter trafficking in persons.

◆200915 Kashmir Observer https://bit.ly/2RpLSkC
Dragon is the New Economic Superpower
China, as the world's largest importer of oil, will be able to diversify its sources of petroleum as a consequence of several bilateral BRI ... Beijing has invested in Zimbabwe in Africa, Laos in Southeast Asia, and Venezuela in South America.



◆200916 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3kmGVFP
中国、ヒマラヤ国境係争地帯に光ケーブル敷設 紛争長期化に備え通信網増強か=インド政府筋
中国軍がインド国境の係争地帯で光ファイバーケーブル網を敷設していると、インド政府当局者2人が明らかにした。両国の外相は先週、ヒマラヤの係争地での緊張を緩和することで合意したが、通信網の敷設は中国が長期戦に備えている可能 ...

◆200916 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/33Ax2O7
中国との国境に派遣されたインド軍の秘密部隊はチベット人部隊だった(BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN)
8月下旬、インド軍と中国軍が、紛争中のヒマラヤ山脈の国境地帯で衝突した。 今回の衝突では、中国による支配に反対するチベット人を中心とする秘密部隊、インドの特殊フロンティア軍(SFF)の兵士1人が死亡、1人が負傷した。

◆200916 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/2ZXIoLd
新型コロナウイルス禍による景気低迷から立ち直るためグローバル企業の誘致を図っているモディ首相にとっては打撃となる。 トヨタのインド法人 トヨタ・キルロスカ・モーターのバイスチェアマン、シェカール・ビスワナタン氏は、政府が ...

◆200916 MONEYzine https://bit.ly/2ZEcS4o
オリックス、インドの再生可能エネルギー事業者「Greenko ...
年内に本契約ならびに株式取得手続きの完了を目指す。 オリックスは、創業者グループからGreenkoの発行済株式を取得するとともに、オリックスが現在インドで運営する風力発電事業のすべて ...

◆200916 地震NEWS(合同会社イイチロ) https://bit.ly/3hAZdBg
ネパールにおける今回の地震について. 日本時間2020年09月16日08:34 M5.3 ネパール(深さ約10km). ネパールでは今年、M5.

◆200916 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2ZG5tl7
中国の「ワクチン外交」は世界に災いをもたらす 安全性・有効性に問題ありでも日本に売り込み(デイリー新潮)
王毅外相も7月に開催された中国、アフガニスタン、ネパール、パキスタン4カ国外相テレビ会議で「中国のワクチンが容易に提供されるようにする」と述べている。 中国のワクチン開発企業は、ブラジル、サウジアラビア、メキシコ、 ...

◆200916 有限会社キムズ https://bit.ly/3hCWiIm
LACでインドと中国の間の緊張の中で、中国はブータン国境でPLA軍を動員しました。 インドとの緊張の中で、ブータンに対する中国の邪眼、国境沿いの軍隊の動員
インドとの緊張の中で、ブータンに対する中国の邪眼、国境沿いの軍隊の動員. mj 9月 15, 2020.


◆200916 Observer Research Foundation https://bit.ly/2ZCxsCk
Retreating Glaciers and Water Flows in the Himalayas: Implications for Governance
Attribution: Anjal Prakash, “Retreating Glaciers and Water Flows in the Himalayas: Implications for Governance,” ORF Issue Brief No. ... It is the source of ten major Asian river systems, including the Indus, Ganges, and the Brahmaputra. Some 1.3 billion people directly depend on the HKH ecosystems, including for irrigation, power, and drinking water. ... “Food, water, and energy security in South Asia: A nexus perspective from the Hindu Kush Himalayan region,” Environmental Science ...

◆200916 The Citizen https://bit.ly/33wNVcr
Global Warming - Glacial Lakes in the Himalayas At Risk of ...
KATHMANDU: A new report out this week warns that hundreds of glacial lakes in the Himalaya are in danger of ... Of these, 42 lakes are on the Kosi River basin in eastern Nepal, three are on the Gandaki and two on the Karnali watersheds.

◆200916 Pakistan Observer https://bit.ly/3c2XvaM
Indus River drops to low flood
Indus River water level still rising at Kotri Barrage while receding at Guddu and Sukkur. According to Flood Forecasting Division based in Lahore, inflow of Indus at Guddu Barrage has been 182,000 cusecs, while the water discharge has been ...

◆200916 Asia Times https://bit.ly/2RIpdR3
Ladakh incursion may be linked to water security
China could be trying to expand strategic buffer around key river systems originating in Tibet, says analyst ... The many rivers originating in Tibet include China's Yangtze and Yellow rivers, the Salween, Irrawaddy and Mekong of Southeast Asia, and South Asia's Indus and Satluj. ... The water security issue aside, the Chinese see India emerging as an economic and military power and a potential rival for ...

◆200916 haveeruonline https://bit.ly/35BJxvv
India and China install cables to enhance communications at ...
The Indus River flows through Leh in the Ladakh region on September 14, 2020. ... The two sides accused each other of expanding the most serious confrontation on the border between neighbors armed with nuclear weapons for decades.

◆200916 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/2Rwb9tG
IRSA releases 190,600 cusecs water
Indus River System Authority (IRSA) on Tuesday released 190,600 cusecs water from various rim stations against inflow of ... Water inflow and outflow in Tarbela dam dam was recorded as 98,200 cusecs and 97,500 cusecs respectively.

◆200916 Business Recorder https://bit.ly/2E7Nwoc
New city: Civil society rejects construction on twin islands
They criticized the federal government's proposal to create Pakistan Islands Development Authority to develop the islands. There are around 300 small and big islands in Sindh's coastal belt that were made by the River Indus over the period with ...

◆200916 newagebd.net https://bit.ly/32xYtIS
Fresh flood strikes north as India opens barrage
About 50 houses were lost to erosion in Lalmonirhat as the trans-boundary river Dharla spilled its banks again on ... The FFWC said that the Brahmaputra rose over the 24 hours until 9:00am on Tuesday and the swelling of the river might ...

◆200916 Hindustan Times https://bit.ly/2ZGGSNn
When India and China talked
In the Qingdao Agreement, India succeeded in persuading the upper-riparian “parent” to view the river downstream non-hegemonically. This was a gain for gravitational and ecological intelligence for both nations, faced with what Ma Jun, ...

◆200916 Energy Live News - Energy Made Easy https://bit.ly/3iv50tw
ENGIE secures $65m loan to expand renewable energy ...
ENGIE has secured a $65.5 million (£51.1m) loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to construct and operate a 200MW solar photovoltaic power plant at Raghanesda Solar Park in India's Western state of Gujarat. The company will ...

◆200916 Financial Express https://bit.ly/35D5Hxm
India’s oil and gas import to double by 2050: BP Energy Outlook
According to BP Energy Outlook 2050, the growth of energy consumption in the emerging economies will be led by India, ... forward as gas-based power plants will play a major role in balancing the rising share of renewable energy, which is uncertain and intermittent. ... Electricity consumption in the country is seen to increase robustly at 4-4.6% per annum over 2050, as “improving ... Another 45.7 GW and 6.8 GW power come from nonpolluting sources such as hydro and nuclear.

◆200916 The Asset https://bit.ly/3mmzz74
Orix to acquire 20% stake in India's Greenko Energy
Tokyo-based Orix Corporation has agreed to acquire a 20% stake in Indian renewables company Greenko Energy Holdings ... electricity from renewable sources that is not affected by the weather, at costs equivalent to thermal power stations and ... This is achieved by combining renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, with pumping-storage hydro. ... to build, operate high-speed rail in Egypt · Hanlim Power plans 4.8GW combined-cycle gas turbine plant in Indonesia.

◆200916 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/32yDCFt
Hydro power requires $100 bn investment annually: Roger Gill, International Hydropower Association
We think the decarbonisation of the world's energy resource base can be substantially fulfilled with the combination of hydro, wind and solar power. I am very pleased that India has now formally established hydropower as renewable and is ...

◆200916 The News International https://bit.ly/2FGbB61
Pakistans oil reserves diminish to 540mln barrels
Pakistan's gas reserves have remained unchanged in the last six months despite production of 634 bcf. This is largely due to upward revision in Shahdadpur (operated by Pakistan Petroleum Limited) by 332.5 bcf, Miano (OMV) by 149 bcf, ...

◆200916 MENAFN.COM https://bit.ly/3c42w36
Pakistan- Power supply to all filling stations disconnected in ...
KHAR: The Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) officials have disconnected the power supply to all the filling stations of Bajaur tribal district over their refusal to install electricity metres. The Wapda authorities say electricity metres ...

◆200916 JAPAN Forward https://bit.ly/35IGsJY
Missile and Nuclear Proliferation Networks Linked to China Continue to Threaten It’s Neighbors
This brings to light the deeper linkages and nexus of North Korea with China, and the illicit nuclear and missile web that Beijing ran across Northeast Asia and South Asia with North Korea and Pakistan as its primary “client” states.

◆200916 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/2H6198v
OPINION: Addressing the power sector’s Achilles heel
Power generation companies procure coal from government owned coal companies or procure imported coal. Typically, this payment is ... It is worth mentioning that power generation from sources such as renewable energy and hydro are also impacted by this non-payment but the majority of the build-up is for thermal generators. Discoms further sell ... Herein is the biggest challenge the sector faces – revenues are unable to cover for even the cost of electricity procured. We are yet to ...

◆200916 Eco-Business https://bit.ly/32wf2oL
Golden langurs killed by people, roads and power lines in ...
There are about 6,000 golden langurs in Bhutan and over 5,000 in Assam, in north-east India, according to the most recent estimates. ... has resulted in langurs being killed by people and dogs or succumbing to electrocution when jumping onto power lines,” Thinley said. ... A number of bridges built over the Mangdechhu river in the eastern part of the habitat have created corridors, allowing cross-breeding ... Indonesia dam builder rebuffs new study to assess impact on orangutans.

◆200916 DNA India https://bit.ly/3mpc1hL
Amid LAC row, China deploys PLA troops at Bhutan border
“19th-century British travel maps show the boundary alignment as Batang la-Merug la-Sinche la and onto Amochu river, which would make Batang la the tri-junction, as contended by Bhutan and India. This is in accordance with the ...

◆200916 News18 https://bit.ly/2H69Pf9
Transboundary Cooperation: A Step Necessary to Pull Flood-prone Parts of India Out of Troubled Waters
The Ganga and Brahmaputra river systems are part of the larger Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna river basin which covers India, China, Nepal, Bangladesh and Bhutan. The transboundary nature of the river system has major implications on people, economy, and socio-political setup in the region. ... The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), supported by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) recently launched a Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) for Guwahati, ...

◆200916 MENAFN.COM https://bit.ly/2Rxox0u
Fuel patches seen off Sri Lanka's coast as fire is extinguished ...
(MENAFN - NewsIn.Asia) COLOMBO, Sept. 15 (Xinhua) — Last Thursday, the Sri Lanka Navy said that the crude oil tanks on board the MT New Diamond oil tanker which caught fire in Sri Lanka's eastern seas remained unharmed and the fire ...

◆200916 Ceylon Daily News https://bit.ly/3msXm5d
Extracting oil, natural gas possible in my tenure - Minister
Energy Minister Udaya Gammanpila said extraction of petroleum oil or natural gas in Sri Lanka will begin before he contests the next Parliamentary election. Sri Lanka has oil and gas sources discovered. If the production of oil within the ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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