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2020年9月19日 拡張主義・中国の「武力」を4カ国連携で封じ込めよ









◆200919 朝鮮日報 https://bit.ly/33Ctzyu
そして、「中国のシステムは初期の感染拡大を覆い隠すしかない構造」「感染拡大の事実を知らせた医師たちを処罰までした」と批判した。 ブランスタッド氏は習近平中国国家主席が河北省農村地域の官僚だった1980年代から35年間にわたり ...

◆200919 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/2RHSQ4W
背景には、ベラルーシをはじめとする東欧や太平洋におけるNATOやアメリカとの覇権争いがある>. ロシアは極東および西の国境の先に複数の脅威を認め、それらの地域でアメリカなどの外国勢力による活動の抑止を試みると共に、中国との ...

◆200919 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/2FyBBAD
その文化を崩壊させるため、まずその民族の言葉を消滅させる」――中国人の間で有名なこの言葉は、日中戦争を描く「抗日神劇」のセリフとしてしばしば登場する。旧満州における日本語教育も「日本侵略者の罪」であると、中国政府は愛国 ...

◆200919 Newsweekjapan https://bit.ly/3hNKiDY
国際的評価を損ねた習政権が影響力を及ぼす手段は武力だけになった。「クアッド」の戦略的連携を深め、そのコストが高くつくと認識させるべきだ。本誌「誤解だらけの米中新冷戦」特集より>. 中国の習近平(シー・チンピン)国家主席は ...

◆200919 時事通信 https://bit.ly/2EdMgzN
日米豪印、来月東京で外相会談 中国攻勢に対抗―菅首相も面会調整
中国の東・南シナ海などでの軍事活動を踏まえ、日米が目指す「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」の実現に向けた協力を確認。医療やワクチン開発をめぐる中国の世界規模の攻勢にどう対応していくか意見を交わす見通しだ。 日本政府関係者 ...

◆200919 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/33G3uPc
【北京=三塚聖平】中国商務省は19日、動画投稿アプリ「TikTok(ティックトック)」など2つの中国アプリの米国内での新規ダウンロードを20日から停止すると米政府が発表したことに対し、「関係企業の正当で合法な権利と利益を ...

◆200919 産経ニュース https://bit.ly/2RCIVxm
中国、ウクライナの軍用エンジン技術に触手 訴訟警告で米中対立
【モスクワ=小野田雄一】中国の投資会社が今月、ウクライナの航空エンジン製造大手「モトール・シーチ」の株式の過半数を取得しながら同国政府の妨害で経営に関与できず巨額の損害を被ったとして、同国政府に賠償を求める訴訟を起こすと ...

◆200919 Reuters Japan https://bit.ly/3caqtFU
しかし、イタリアの「一帯一路構想」への参加や、ギリシャの海運と港湾インフラへの大規模な投資、それに今年の新型コロナウイルス発生後の誤った情報やあからさまな嘘によって、欧州は中国と対処するに当たって疑念を抱かざるを得 ...



◆200919 ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構) https://bit.ly/2ZOfHQs
日立、新規原子力発電所建設プロジェクトから撤退(英国) | ビジネス短信
同プロジェクトは、2012年に日立が英国ホライズンを買収し、日本で建設・運転実績のある改良型沸騰水型軽水炉(ABWR)をベースに、英国の環境に適合した発電所を建設し、二酸化炭素を排出しないクリーンなエネルギーの供給を目指し ...

◆200919 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3capENk
製品の競争力維持のため、他の電力への切り替えが難しいのが実情だ。 日本化学工業協会の森川宏平会長は、石炭火力の必要性を強調した.

◆200919 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3cjUgvN
日本製の半導体装置、中国で販売増 国産化が加速
日本半導体製造装置協会(SEAJ)は17日、8月の日本製半導体製造装置の販売額が前年同月比17.3%増の1884億円になったと発表した。半導体の国産化を進める中国メーカーの投資がけん引したもよう。中 ...

◆200919 朝日新聞デジタル版 https://bit.ly/32H2Ql0
ダムに沈んだ旧産炭地の街 縮みゆく北海道の苦闘
ダムに沈んだ旧産炭地の街 縮みゆく北海道の苦闘. 斎藤徹. 2020/9/19 9:00. 会員記事. 北の大地が縮み続けている。北海道の人口(日本人、1月1日時点)は、前年より4万2286人少ない522万6066人。減少は22年連続で、減少数は8年連続で全国 ...



◆200919 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/2RCr1L8
日本製の半導体装置、中国で販売増 国産化が加速
日本半導体製造装置協会(SEAJ)は17日、8月の日本製半導体製造装置の販売額が前年同月比17.3%増の1884億円になったと発表した。半導体の国産化を進める中国メーカーの投資がけん引したもよう。中 ...

◆200919 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3iLgTf4
米半導体大手エヌビディアは、ソフトバンクグループから英半導体設計大手アームを400億ドル(約4兆2000億円)で ... 北京半導体行業協会の朱晶副会長は、エネルギー効率に優れたアームのチップの設計図は中国 ...

◆200919 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/32Oz5ix
台湾、米と経済協議 脱中国・供給網構築 FTA探る
中国の反発を押し切り、17日に台湾を訪問したクラック米国務次官(経済成長・エネルギー・環境担当)は18日、台湾の蘇貞昌行政院長(首相)、王美花経済部長(経済相)と相次ぎ会談した。 米台双方が17日午前 ...

◆200919 東洋経済オンライン https://bit.ly/33LaZV7
ファーウェイは2019年のスマホ出荷台数が2億4100万台に達し、世界シェアは17.6%で第2位、中国市場のシェアは38.5%で首位だった。しかし半導体の供給が完全にストップすれば、部品在庫が底をついた時点で生産停止に追い込まれて ...

◆200919 エキサイトニュース http://exci.to/3mythRS
ファーウェイ排除は「韓国、台湾」にも影響大・・・半導体産業の川上にいる日本への影響は=中国 (2020年9月19日) - エキサイトニュース
中国メディアの百家号は15日、これによる影響を分析する事を掲載した。 記事はまず、米国の今回の規制は、中国のみならず世界各国に影響を与えると指摘。「半導体はもう ...

◆200919 時事通信 https://bit.ly/35Vjy2l
中国の台湾海峡演習は「脅し」 南米で経済侵略に警戒呼び掛け―米国務長官
ガイアナは2019年から石油生産を開始し、急激な経済成長が見込まれている。ポンペオ氏は地元メディアに「中国共産党は軍事と商業を深く結び付けてやって来て、中国人監督を受け入れるよう政治的圧力をかけてくる」と述べ、中国の「 ...

◆200919 EVsmartブログ https://bit.ly/2Hg9Ddl
しかしEVとリチウムイオン電池の普及に伴い、近年ではグローバル企業各社がサプライチェーンも含めて不当なルートで生産したコバルトを使っていないか調査を始めるようになりました。 例えばバッテリー大手のCATLやLG化学は、中国が ...


◆200919 War on the Rocks https://bit.ly/2FVkE2P
The Dangerous Myths About China's Nuclear Weapons
It should reconsider … No more Great Wall of Secrecy on its nuclear build-up. Seat waiting for China in Vienna.” To highlight China's absence, American negotiators placed Chinese ...

◆200919 OilPrice.com https://bit.ly/33GlgSh
China's Crude Oil Imports Are Slowing Down
Learn how energy insiders think. Receive our cutting-edge 3-part investor education series for FREE; PLUS, get our Weekly Intelligence Report to stay one step ahead of the markets ...

◆200919 JWN https://bit.ly/3ceJVS0
China mulls stronger clean energy goals for next five years
China is considering proposals to accelerate its adoption of clean energy as part of its next five-year plan that begins in 2021, ... Enjoy 24/7 news, data and analysis on Canada's oilpatch with the Daily Oil Bulletin. ... of dirty energy like coal doesn't necessarily mean that consumption of fossil fuels would fall, as total power needs rise as the ... Chinese renewable energy stocks have been on a tear on speculation that Beijing could increase its requirements for ... The story of gas well No.

◆200919 The New York Times https://nyti.ms/2HeqQns
China Sends Warning to U.S. and Taiwan With Aerial Drill
China Sends Warning to Taiwan and U.S. With Big Show of Air Power ... China sent 18 fighter jets and bombers into the Taiwan Strait on Friday in a robust show of force that a military official in Beijing ... the American diplomat, Keith Krach, the under secretary of state for economic, energy and environmental affairs, arrived.

◆200919 International Business Times https://bit.ly/2RGw2m8
China Seeking To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions ...
China Seeking To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Increase Use Of Renewable Energy ... fuels accounted for 15.3% of China's energy generation; China may reduce the proportion of coal in the overall energy mix to ... of solar installations in China could more than triple from 2019 figures to 105 gigawatts a year, while wind power could ... Renewables Now EU's Biggest Source Of Electricity: Study.

◆200919 EurAsian Times https://bit.ly/3kyxVOa
India-China Cyber War: China Second Most Powerful Cyber ...
About China's growing cyber power, Bhatia counted it a viable threat to India and thus argued that cyber defense is integral and has now become a priority area. A recent investigation by a national English language daily The Indian Express ...



◆200919 アセアンポータル https://bit.ly/33WGEmD
日本支援のインドネシアMRT建設に大使が視察、友情・協力の ...
在インドネシア日本大使館の石井大使は、山中JICAインドネシア事務所長とウィリアムMRTJ社長とともに、今年の6月に着工したMRT南北線フェーズ2・201工区の建設現場を9月10日に視察訪問した。 視察が行われた201工区は、南北線 ...

◆200919 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3kuWJGz
低所得家庭に太陽発電設備を 電力補助金の振り替えで普及 ...
インドネシアのエネルギー・鉱物資源省は、低所得層に支給している電力補助金を、家庭用の太陽光発電システムの導入に振り替えることを検討していると明らかにした。一般家庭での屋根置き型太陽光発電設備の普及を促し、環境に優しい ...

◆200919 アセアンポータル https://bit.ly/3hEIZHu
フィリピンのドゥテルテ政権は菅首相に祝意、両国関係強化に ...


◆200919 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/32OxkBX
Govt’s flexible oil and gas contract choice ‘positive’ for investment: Analyst - The Jakarta Post
The government's decision to allow oil and gas producers to choose production sharing contracts (PSCs) is a positive step forward for investors in the upstream industry, compared with the less favorable gas ceiling policy, according to energy ... Attracting upstream investment is key to realizing Indonesia's long-term goal of raising oil and gas output and reducing the ... million British thermal units (mmbtu) of natural gas, below the $8 per mmbtu market average, for the next four years.

◆200919 chinadialogue https://bit.ly/3hLOK66
India can stop palm oil deforestation in Southeast Asia
Besides fossil fuel-related greenhouse gas emissions, one of the major causes of air pollution around the world is deforestation ... For example, the toxic fumes that emerge from burning forests in Indonesia and Malaysia travels to Singapore, ... Our lax norms on thermal power plant emission standards, dust caused by construction and waste burning are leading to a ... But India has the power to demand Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) at government and corporate policy levels.

◆200919 Petroleum Economist https://bit.ly/3iKavVx
NOCs find allure in LNG trading
The firm took over the gas unit of state oil firm and PGN parent Pertamina in a rationalisation of Indonesia's gas industry structure, giving it access to Indonesian cargoes. But the firm went on to sign a deal with China's Sinopec to deliver a handful ...

◆200919 Upstream Online https://bit.ly/35PjFwb
Race is on to beat decline at Shell gas field off Philippines
... LNG imports and coal all on the table to help meet the fall-off from Shell's giant producing gas field. 17 September 2020 22:00 GMT Updated 18 September 2020 14:25 GMT. By Amanda Battersby. in London. Energy security has long been ...

◆200919 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/32KbBuU
Will the Philippines risk war with Malaysia over Sabah?
Listening to Philippine Foreign Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. dial up the rhetoric this week over who owns the Malaysian state of Sabah, you could be forgiven for thinking that Manila is preparing to go to war for the oil-rich territory. "Sabah is ...

◆200919 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/2ZQGU5n
Rotating brownouts feared over fast declining Malampaya gas supply
The Malampaya project has been supplying fuel to the Luzon electricity grid, servicing for nearly two decades an ... provide a national energy policy and framework for the development and regulation of the Philippine midstream natural gas industry. ... cited the power crisis in 1990s when Metro Manila and several provinces in the Luzon power grid experienced rotating ... or marine vessels to deliver natural gas to LNG terminals, pipelines or transmission systems and storage facilities.



◆200918 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3kqvc9h
中国の海洋進出を容易にするタイ運河建設計画(Wedge ...
こうした文脈において、一帯一路の野心的なプロジェクトとして出ているのが、マレー半島で最も狭いタイ南部のクラ地峡に運河を建設し、中国からインド洋への第二の海路を開く計画である。この運河ができれば、インド洋、アフリカ、中東 ...

◆200918 PJA NEWS https://bit.ly/2ZJiGK4
バンコクの在タイ日本国大使館は注意喚起を通知していますので、PJA NEWSでは通知を以下に転載します。邦人の方も、安全の確保に十分ご留意ください。 バンコクほかタイ国内各地における政治集会(9月17 ...

◆200918 livedoor https://bit.ly/2ZN43oW
タイで首相の辞任やクーデターの可能性 運動の主役は「Z世代」
日本タイ学会会長などを歴任した浅見靖仁・法政大教授(60)=タイ政治研究=は、昨年4月に日本記者クラブで開かれた会見で「ピンチ(窮地)に陥る」とタイの今後を語っていた。総選挙後の不安定な政権運営を“予見”していたのだ。 運動の ...

◆200918 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/35NG8da
ラートなど3社、越で火力発電所を共同開発 タイ・電力 ...
タイの発電会社RATCH(ラート)グループは16日、民間発電大手エレクトリシティー・ジェネレーティング(EGCO)、タイ発電公団(EGAT)の国際部門EGATインターナショナル(EGATi)とベトナム中部クアンチ省で ...

◆200918 東洋経済オンライン https://bit.ly/35TjCzg
案の定というほかない。9月9日、ミャンマーの現地紙ミャンマータイムズは、ミャンマー国鉄(MR)幹部の話として、日本が円借款事業として進める「ヤンゴン・マンダレー鉄道整備事業(フェーズⅡ)」向けの電気式気動車180両を ...

◆200918 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3hGZPpd
スー・チー氏の健康状態は良好、報道官 ミャンマー・政治
ミャンマー大統領府のゾー・テイ報道官はこのほど、アウン・サン・スー・チー国家顧問兼外相の健康状態は良好だと述べ、新型コロナウイルス感染の噂を否定した。ミャンマー・タイムズ(電子版)が16日に伝えた。 ミャンマーではこの ...

◆200918 NNA ASIA https://bit.ly/3c9wIJT
7月インフレ、1.7%に急低下 電力値上げの押し上げ効果 ...
ミャンマー統計局によると、7月の消費者物価指数(CPI、12年=100)は、前年同月比で1.7%上昇した。上昇率は過去2年で最も低かった6月から、さらに2.46ポイント低下した。電気料金の値上げから1年が経ち、CPIを押し上げる ...

◆200918 livedoor https://bit.ly/3ktMiDi
貝虫のもの?ミャンマー北部で発見された琥珀から世界最古の ...
問題の精子は、ミャンマー北部で発見された切手サイズの琥珀の中から発見されました。 ... Matzke-Karasz氏によると、巨大な精子を持つ動物は生殖に多くの時間とエネルギーがかかりますが、1億年前でも貝虫が大きな精子を持ち生殖を行っ ...

◆200918 新潮社 フォーサイト https://bit.ly/3cbcj7o
「遠ざかる東南アジア」との真の関係構築を急ぐべし:樋泉克夫 | フォーサイトで辿る変遷10年
中国では鄧小平、江沢民、胡錦濤と歴代政権が権力争いを繰り返し、互いに異なる政治路線を掲げてきたが、“熱帯への進軍”は一貫している。 東南アジア大陸部中央を南北に貫く「泛亜鉄路(中線)」工事は進展し、2021年末に昆明とラオスの ...


◆200918 South China Morning Post https://bit.ly/3hHiqBw
China needs to show world Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective
The Philippines and Pakistan have already shown interest, US$1 billion in loans has been offered to countries in the Caribbean and Latin America to help pay for vaccines, and Mekong River nations – southern Chinese neighbours Cambodia ...

◆200918 Daily Express https://bit.ly/3iGRTWj
South China Sea threat: US risks Beijing fury with ‘game changer’ plans to expand Navy
The Pentagon chief said a review of US naval power - dubbed Future Forward - laid out a “game-changer” plan. US risks Beijing ... South China Sea dispute MOVES to Mekong river amid US domination fears [COMMENT]. South China Sea ...

◆200918 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/33CkdTr
Thai protesters must force reform without a revolution
Had he delivered a promising and viable future for Thailand after seizing power in the May 2014 coup, Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha might have been able to appease and accommodate the youth movement. But instead of charting a ...

◆200918 Bangkok Post https://bit.ly/32L6fQ5
Thailand's changed coup considerations
The chasm between the incumbent foundations of power and authority and fledgling democratic institutions for popular representation now appears untenable. Thailand's democracy and monarchy seem locked in an inverse relationship. Both ...
意見 · 5時間前

◆200918 http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ https://bit.ly/3mzelmH
Thai firms to invest in thermal power plant in Quang Tri
The coal-fired Quang Tri 1 plant, located in Hai Lang district of the central province of Quang Tri, will have an installed capacity of 1,320 megawatts. It is expected to go into commercial operation by 2025, and the generated electricity will be sold ...

◆200918 Economic Times https://bit.ly/3hHiVvo
India has shown interest in building strategic Kra Canal, says Thailand
A parliamentary panel in Thailand on Monday claimed several nations have shown an interest in constructing a canal across southern Thailand, which could allow ships to bypass the Strait of Malacca. Thai Nation Power Party MP Songklod ...

◆200918 AltEnergyMag https://bit.ly/33Btv25
JinkoSolar Supports Japan's Largest Oil Refiner to Build Gas ...
JinkoSolar Supports Japan's Largest Oil Refiner to Build Gas Station PV Power Plant in Japan ... independent power sources into a power network and their aggregated assets are used to tailor the supply and demand of electricity. ... oil and gas energy companies are gradually transforming their business models and expanding the use of renewable energy. ... JinkoSolar has 7 productions facilities globally, and 14 overseas subsidiaries in Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, India, Turkey, ...

◆200918 Power Engineering International https://bit.ly/3iHXgoc
Wärtsilä signs 5-year maintenance deal for 200MW ...
The Wärtsilä engines provide the fast-starting, load-balancing flexibility to deliver the needed grid stability as Cambodia continues to utilise an increasing share of renewable energy, in particular solar power. Renewable energy, complemented ...

◆200918 The Diplomat https://bit.ly/32EkwxB
Parsing Washington's Latest Cambodia Sanctions – The ...
China's Air Force Might Be Back in the Nuclear Business ... As such, the rumor mill in Cambodia is back up and running, at a difficult moment for Prime Minister Hun Sen and the ruling Cambodian People's Party. Rumors that China was trying to station its troops somewhere in Cambodia bristled the Phnom Penh grapevine for much of 2018, ... for Hun Sen, who is currently facing a rare wave of dissent alongside longer term challenges over the expected handover of power to his son.

◆200918 http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ https://bit.ly/2ZMK5uG
Laos’ GDP forecast to contract by 2.5 percent: ADB
Vietnamese company joins solar power projects in Laos ... The Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2020 Update predicts Laos' GDP to contract by 2.5 percent in 2020, marking its first ... ADB Country Director for Laos Yasushi Negishi said the COVID-19 outbreak has not only affected the economic ... The current account deficit is expected to narrow this year more than earlier projected on the back of lower oil prices and lower demand for imports, as well as higher electricity exports, but ...

◆200918 Pledge Times https://bit.ly/3kyvxqF
A 'mountain' of China's debt becomes a disaster for India's ...
Laos has become the new victim of this dragon's date trap diplomacy. In the event of billions of dollars of Chinese debt not being repaid, Laos has had to hand over its power grid to a Chinese state-run company. According to the report of ...



◆200919 日経ビジネスオンライン https://bit.ly/33IdkQA
「青い」インドと「赤い」東南アジア、色分け進むデジタル ...
南アジアの巨大市場インドでは米国のデジタル関連企業や機関投資家が有力企業に殺到し、相次ぎ大規模投資に乗り出した。一方、インド市場から締め出されつつある中国勢は東南アジアに熱視線を送る。新冷戦が激化すれば、ベンガル湾を挟ん ...

◆200919 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/33Ff6lr
北村国家安保局長 インド補佐官と電話会談 引き続き緊密に協力
そのうえで、引き続きインドと緊密に協力していく考えを伝えました。 また、両氏は安全保障上の課題や地域の情勢、それに新型コロナウイルスへの対応などをめぐって意見を交わしました ...

◆200919 M&A Online https://bit.ly/3ceWfkR

◆200919 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3hO81UC
【更新】菅首相のツイッター、完全に沈黙? 各国首脳からの祝福、トランプ大統領からもメンションが…(BuzzFeed Japan)
BuzzFeed Newsが確認した限り、そのほか、モルディブ、ラトビア、ブータン首相府、スリランカ、オーストラリア、ネパール、パキスタン、インドネシアの各首脳も菅首相にメンションをしている。 また、欧州理事会の議長、トルコ外務 ...

◆200919 有限会社キムズ https://bit.ly/2ZSPUqt
モルディブは中国の債務トラップ外交の新たな犠牲者です| インドの別の隣人は中国の債務の罠に閉じ込められ、デフォルトの脅威
スリランカが起こらないかのように、ハルマンディブの元首相と現在議会の議長であるモハマドナシードが潜在的な危険に気づいています。 彼らはモルディブが中国の債務の罠に完全に閉じ込められるのではないかと恐れている。 中国に対する ...


◆200919 Observer Research Foundation https://bit.ly/3mAbtWI
Governing the Ganges and Brahmaputra: Beyond Reductionist Hydrology
Eurasian Studies · Maritime Studies · Neighbourhood Studies · Nuclear and Space Studies ... This paper argues that the challenges in the governance of two Himalayan river systems, the Ganges and the ... In the last few decades, interventions in the GBM basin have been made largely for energy security, and hundreds of hydro-power projects have been planned or ... cost-benefit matrix), hydropower still remains an important option for achieving renewable energy goals in the region.

◆200919 Himalayan Times https://bit.ly/35KecXw
Nepal successful in all indicators: Gyawali
A PCR testing machine was donated by Himalaya Airlines at the initiative of Foreign Minister Gyawali. ... disrupting crucial fuel imports, its oil minister said on Wednesday, the latest crisis to hit the war-devastated country's crumbling economy.

◆200919 The Tribune https://bit.ly/3mAITo0
Indus Waters Treaty turns 60, disputes persist
The Indus Waters Treaty, hailed as one of the finest, the most sophisticated and comprehensive international water treaties, ... Some disputes notwithstanding, the treaty continues to remain intact despite the trust deficit between the two nuclear ... Pakistan must realise that the overall effect the run-of-the-river hydro-power projects will have is perhaps a negligible delay as far as timing is concerned.

◆200919 The Nation https://bit.ly/3iFmd3z
Irsa releases 209,700 cusecs water
ISLAMABAD - Indus River System Authority (IRSA) on Friday released 209,700 cusecs water from various rim stations against inflow ... Water inflow and outflow in Tarbela dam was recorded at 96,700 cusecs and 96,100 cusecs respectively.

◆200919 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/2ZPYvtT
River Indus still in low flood at Kotri Barrage: FFC
The Federal Flood Commission (FFC) has said all main rivers (Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi & Sutlej) are discharging normal flows except for River Indus which is at Low Flood Stage at Kotri Barrage. ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News ...

◆200919 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/2ZPYK8h
Flood level keeps rising at Kotri barrage
The water level continues to increase at the Kotri barrage, the last engineering structure on the Indus river, where a low flood has been officially declared. HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th Sep, 2020 ) :The water level ...

◆200919 Power Technology https://bit.ly/2ZSl2q3
India to shut down 32 power units for missing emission ...
All · Coal · Gas · Oil ... Transmission & Distribution ... The Government of India reportedly plans to shut 32 units across 12 power plants in the country as they have failed to meet ... Currently, nearly 60GW of thermal and 12GW of hydro plants are reportedly in various stages of construction. Some coal-based power plants in India are said to be in process of installing new equipment's to meet the ... Many have deployed flue gas desulphurisation units and electrostatic precipitators.

◆200919 pv magazine India https://bit.ly/2ZSRKHT
Rajasthan could add 22.6 GW of new renewable energy ...
Meanwhile, the state's 9.8 GW of coal-fired capacity makes up 45% of total installed capacity, producing 56.5% of entire on-grid generation. IEEFA projects Rajasthan's electricity requirements to grow by 42% over the next decade – from 81TWh ...

◆200919 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/2REijw7
India-US strategic energy partnership takes deep roots: Amb Sandhu
Oil & Gas · Coal · Power · Renewable · Environment · Economy · Companies · People Movement · Financial Results · The Energy Switch; More ... Washington: The strategic energy partnership between India and America has taken deep roots in a short span of time, ... India is now the fourth largest international market for US crude oil and the fifth largest for US LNG. ... energy market," Sandhu said, adding that India remains focused on expediting the development of gas infrastructure ...

◆200919 EurAsian Times https://bit.ly/2RFHSga
India-China Cyber War: China Second Most Powerful Cyber ...
About China's growing cyber power, Bhatia counted it a viable threat to India and thus argued that cyber defense is integral and has now become a priority area. A recent investigation by a national English language daily The Indian Express ...

◆200919 Centre for Science and Environment https://bit.ly/2ZQlo0s
65 per cent of coal-fired power plants in India may not meet ...
Way back in December 2015, the Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) had notified emission norms for four pollutants in the coal-based thermal power sector -- particulate matter (PM), sulphur dioxide (SO2), ...

◆200919 Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/32Kw7vc
Indo-US agreement on nuclear power
Put simply, nuclear energy is a vast power that we get when its different elements react among themselves. ... it is the cheapest and least fatal source of getting electricity in comparison with other sources such as coal, petroleum, natural gas and hydroelectricity. ... Thus, 1998 the region became fully nuclearized with three nations, China, India and Pakistan, having nuclear bombmaking capability. After the ...

◆200919 Profit by Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/32GOL78
Power sector negligence halted economic development: PM
The meeting discussed in detail the roadmap for power sector reforms with a particular focus on the supply of inexpensive and undisturbed electricity to the consumers. Appreciating the experts' research on Pakistan's energy sector, the prime ...

◆200919 Profit by Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/2RCYXYb
SNGPL proposes construction of North-South gas pipeline at ...
Power sector negligence halted economic development: PM · ENERGY ... ISLAMABAD: The Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) has been considering constructing the 1,100 kilometre (km)-long North-South Gas Pipeline (NSGP) at a cost of $1 billion. ... Ayub Chaudhry had also recommended adopting a competitive process in the awarding of this gas pipeline project, saying Pakistani companies should also be allowed to participate in the project instead of 'favourite' foreign ...

◆200919 MyRepublica https://bit.ly/2RGDEEY
Nepal got rid of load-shedding not only due to Ghising’s sole efforts: Minister Gyawali
Nepal got rid of load-shedding not only due to Ghising's sole efforts: Minister Gyawali ... Director (MD) of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), Kulman Ghising cannot be reappointed to the post due to legal constraints. ... Addressing the press meet, Gyawali said that the country overcame the chronic problem of power outage, commonly ... “Far sightedness of Prime Minister KP Oli, proper planning and initiatives by the energy minister and sound management of Ghising made it possible.”.

◆200919 BW Businessworld https://bit.ly/3myhCm4
Nepal to receive its first wide gauge railway engine, coaches ...
Kathmandu [Nepal], September 18 (ANI): Two sets of railways including engine and coaches to revive railway connection between ... Balaram Mishra, Director General of Department of Railways, said the set will be delivered to Nepal by the Konkan Railways of India later in the afternoon on September 18. ... The railways operated using diesel and electricity, each set has five bogies (coaches). ... Macquarie selects Prescinto Monitoring & Analytics platform for Clean Energy portfolio.

◆200919 Kuensel, Buhutan's National Newspaper https://bit.ly/32FUZnU
GDP growth projection for 2020 revised to negative 2.1%
The government's projection (negative 2.1 percent) puts Bhutan in a much better place than most economies in the world. Globally, the ... “We are doing fairly well because we did not have local transmission till August,” he said. ... It has generally been a good year for the country's hydropower sector as the rain arrived as early as late May, according to the Druk Green Power Corporation Limited (DGPC).

◆200919 Colombo Page https://bit.ly/2H9oXbr
Sri Lanka : Two LNG plants by 2023 for power generation
Ministry of Power has stated that two liquefied natural gas (LNG) power plants will be constructed by the year 2023 as a ... to 2019, only 300 megawatts were added to the national grid, he said, adding that the demand for electricity is growing at 6 ... to address the potential power crisis in the future, the contribution of green and renewable energy to the country's power ... that LECO, a senior member of the Sri Lanka power sector, would be a strength to achieve the government's goals.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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