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2020年9月20日 トランプ続投ならば日本の防衛費が焦点に,上納するより3%で自衛しよう




米研究、危うい中国排除 中国は「独立」へ着々


米研究、危うい中国排除 中国は「独立」へ着々





◆200920 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3mC68Ox
米研究、危うい中国排除 中国は「独立」へ着々

◆200920 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/33J9iar
米、対イラン国連制裁復活を宣言 欧ロ中は認めず
イランの核開発や武器取引を阻止する狙いだが、欧州やロシア、中国は制裁復活を認めない考えでイラン包囲網は広がりに欠ける。 トランプ米政権はイラン核合意を破棄しており、国連制裁を復活させる ...

◆200920 時事通信 https://bit.ly/33EeFYA
対中国「人権より大局重視」 民主化弾圧も「温かく見守る」―天安門事件外交文書
1989年6月4日に中国共産党・政府が民主化運動を武力弾圧した天安門事件の直後、日本政府が今後の対中政策として「民主・人権」より「長期的、大局的見地」を重視する方針を打ち出していたことが分かった。このほど秘密指定を解除 ...

◆200920 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/32QWQGJ
米TikTok禁止 中国は断固反対
【北京=三塚聖平】中国商務省は19日、動画投稿アプリ「TikTok(ティックトック)」など2つの中国アプリの米国内での新規ダウンロードを20日から停止すると米政府が発表したことに対し、「関係企業の正当で合法な権利と利益を ...

◆200920 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/3iPmxg9
中国 主権や安全損ねる外国企業などリスト化 罰則科す新制度
アメリカのトランプ政権が中国のハイテク企業などへの締めつけを強めるなか、アメリカをけん制するねらいがあるとみられます。 続きを読む.

◆200920 ニュースイッチ Newswitch https://bit.ly/2RIU3cg
中国の新たなキーワード「双循環」、習近平の狙いとは ...
そうした外部環境の急変に備え、中国は双循環モデルの構築を提唱し始めた。その含意として、国内の内需主導による経済発展により注力しながら、対外開放を深めていくと理解されている。 内需 ...

◆200920 ブルームバーグ https://bit.ly/35TbvD0
中国、信頼欠く企業や国、個人「エンティティーリスト」の ...
中国政府は「エンティティーリスト」に掲載した信頼を欠く企業や国、団体、個人に対し、取引と投資、ビザ(査証)の制限を含む制裁を科す方針を明らかにした。 中国商務省が19日にガイドライン(指針)をウェブサイトで公表した。



◆200920 AFPBB News https://bit.ly/2FJOJCW
中国で建設進む世界最大級の水力発電所 100万kW回転子を設置
設備容量は1600万キロワットを誇り、完成すれば三峡プロジェクトに次ぐ世界第2位の水力発電所になる。 中国能源建設(CEEC)傘下の葛洲壩機電は9日、単一設備容量として世界最大の100万 ...

◆200920 中央日報 https://bit.ly/2FQyXpt

◆200920 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3hKMZ9p
「新型コロナは人工ウイルス」と告発した中国人研究者の背後 ...
新型コロナは人工ウイルス」と告発した中国人研究者の背後に、トランプ氏の元側近バノン氏の影あり ... 新型コロナウイルスの人工ウイルス説”については米国立エネルギー・感染症研究所のアンソニー・ファウチ所長をはじめ、多くの科学者 ...

◆200920 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3kvVKGa
竹中平蔵氏、中国社会でひそかに「大人気」になっていた ...
そのようなスマートシティの代表的な例として、内閣府の資料にも挙がっているのが中国浙江省杭州市の「シティ・ブレイン(城市大脳)」である(内閣府地方創生推進事務局、2020)。シティ・ブレインは、市街を走行中の自動車の情報をライブ ...

◆200920 有限会社キムズ https://bit.ly/3mBCvg6
米国はイスラエルに中国の投資を避けるよう警告する アメリカの「究極の友」国に数百万ドルを投資する中東での中国の大物
実際、中国はこの地域のアラブ諸国から石油とガスを入手しています。 それで彼の工場は操業しています。 同時に、これらの国は中国製の商品の大口購入者でもあります。 一方、イスラエル ...

◆200920 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3hQ5lps
トランプ大統領の方針のもと、アメリカは中近東から中国方面に軍事プレゼンスを移行している。これを警戒する ... 【ケント】これまではエネルギー面で中近東に依存していましたから、あの地域の安定はアメリカにとって最優先課題でした。

◆200920 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/2ZNNrO7
台湾、「弔問外交」積極展開 中国軍機は連日の中間線越え ...
蔡氏は18日、台湾が最も重要な友好国と位置付ける米国のクラック国務次官(経済成長・環境・エネルギー担当)一行を官邸に招待し、夕食会を開催。米台の蜜月ぶりを内外に示した。 一方、台湾国防部(国防省)は19日、中国軍の戦闘機など ...


◆200920 Caixin Global https://bit.ly/2FPqh2O
China's Natural Gas Imports Set to Slow, Cutting Dependence ...
Natural gas imports may reach around 140 billion cubic meters in 2020, the country's energy watchdog and two state-backed research institutes said in a jointly released report (link in Chinese). That would represent annual growth of roughly 3.6 ...

◆200920 China.org.cn https://on.china.cn/32NLxiu
China's power use increases in August
BEIJING, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- China's electricity consumption, a key barometer of economic activity, further improved last month thanks to the country's efforts in boosting growth amid the COVID-19 slowdown. Power use increased 7.7 percent ...

◆200920 Natural Gas World https://bit.ly/2ZSDIGg
Reform Is in the Pipelines: PipeChina and the Restructuring of China's Natural Gas Market [GGP]
Beijing launched the most ambitious reform of China's oil and natural gas industry in more than two decades with the establishment of the China Oil & Gas Piping Network Corporation (PipeChina) last December. by: Columbia | SIPA ...

◆200920 CGTN
Live: Explore the magnificent scenery of China's Yellow River
The Yellow River begins its journey in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and runs through nine provinces and autonomous regions before emptying into the Bohai Sea. Crossing a distance of 5,464 kilometers, it is China's second longest river. Winding ...

◆200920 CGTN https://bit.ly/2RGIrGH
China steps up efforts to manage entire Yellow River basin
The Yellow River, one of the most important ecological barriers and economic zones in China, has seen remarkable improvements in its ecological environment. Malai County of northwest China's Qinghai Province is located at the river's source.

◆200920 ABC News https://ab.co/2FQprCL
China has told us how they see their place in the world. The question is, can we live with it?
Mao was the Communist revolutionary leader who saw his mission as reviving a fallen, humiliated nation. After seizing power in 1949, after a Civil War against US backed Nationalists, Mao Zedong famously spoke to the Chinese People, and ...



◆200920 コインデスク・ジャパン https://bit.ly/3mBV581
フィリピンでは、ブロックチェーンを使った人気ゲームが貧困から抜け出す道を与え、新しいテクノロジーの普及に貢献している。ベトナムのスカイ・メイビス(Sky Mavis)が開発した「Axie Infinity」は、イーサリアムブロックチェーンを ...

◆200920 ニフティニュース https://bit.ly/33MFkT9
2020年9月19日、新型コロナ感染拡大で移動制限(ロックダウン)に突入から約6ヵ月のフィリピンでは、無収入の人が多くスーパーは閑散としている。 食品のまとめ買いをする市民も減っており、以前は支払いの長い行列で30分以上待たされる ...


◆200920 Jakarta Post https://bit.ly/33Cy1Ny
Govt’s flexible oil and gas contract choice ‘positive’ for investment: Analyst - The Jakarta Post
The government's decision to allow oil and gas producers to choose production sharing contracts (PSCs) is a positive step forward for investors in the upstream industry, compared with the less favorable gas ceiling policy, according to energy ... Attracting upstream investment is key to realizing Indonesia's long-term goal of raising oil and gas output and reducing the ... million British thermal units (mmbtu) of natural gas, below the $8 per mmbtu market average, for the next four years.

◆200920 Metro US https://bit.ly/2FQgmda
Indonesia, U.S. agree on infrastructure finance agreement
JAKARTA (Reuters) – Indonesia has signed an agreement with the United States to strengthen infrastructure financing through private ... U.S Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin signed the agreement with Indonesia's Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati remotely on ... ongoing efforts under the Enhancing Development and Growth through Energy (Asia EDGE) and the Infrastructure Transaction and ...

◆200920 The Manila Times https://bit.ly/2RHjf2F
Use of nuclear energy pushed – The Manila Times
NUCLEAR energy can be a source of “renewable energy”, a group advocating its use told the government on Saturday. ... representative Mark Cojuangco heads, said nuclear energy can bring down the cost of electricity and allow the entry of ... the webinar “Stand Up to Nuclear 2020”, also allayed fears of a meltdown at the mothballed Bataan Nuclear Power Plant, ... Dr. Carlo Arcilla, director of the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute, assured that the location of the BNPP was safe ...

◆200920 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/2FOgAl4
Rotating brownouts feared as Malampaya gas field is close to running out of supply
The Malampaya project has been supplying fuel to the Luzon electricity grid, servicing for nearly two decades an approximate ... energy policy and framework for the development and regulation of the Philippine midstream natural gas industry. ... Luzon power grid experienced rotating brownouts of up to four hours daily due to insufficient electrical generating capacity. ... or marine vessels to deliver natural gas to LNG terminals, pipelines or transmission systems and storage facilities.

◆200920 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/2FKbG91
PH-German bilateral trade down in H1
Bilateral trade between Philippines and Germany substantially dropped in the first half of 2020 mainly due to the ... Parliamentary State Secretary Marco Wanderwitz from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).

◆200920 Manila Bulletin https://bit.ly/32LqRrd
Vivant deploys power for Bantayan island
Vivant Energy Corporation has deployed of a 3.0-megawatt generating set to Bantayan Island in Cebu, alleviating ... to beef up electricity supply for Bantayan Electric Cooperative (BANELCO), the power utility servicing consumers in the area. ... Oil companies are expected to enforce the cost hikes on Tuesday (September 22), which is their established grind when it ... it will take the lead in crafting the national value chain roadmap for pork-based processed products in the Philippines.

◆200920 Reuters https://reut.rs/2ZUSi01
Polluted stretch of Manila Bay gets fake white sand makeover
... beside the U.S. embassy in Manila with sand made from tonnes of crushed dolomite boulders from central Philippines. Manila Bay is a 60-km (37-mile) semi-enclosed estuary facing the South China Sea. Its waters are heavily polluted by oil, ...



◆200920 日本経済新聞 https://s.nikkei.com/3cen5ty
【バンコク=村松洋兵】タイの首都バンコクで19日、大規模な反政府デモが行われた。王宮近くで20日朝まで夜通しで集会を開く予定だ。主催団体は軍政の流れをくむプラユット政権の退陣に加え、絶対的な権威を持 ...

◆200920 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/3iNzZ47
タイ バンコクで反政府デモ 憲法改正や王制改革など訴え
反政府デモが続いているタイで、プラユット政権が発足して以来、最大規模になるとみられる抗議デモが首都バンコクで始まり、若者たちが、憲法の改正や王制改革などを訴えました。 続きを読む. タイでは、軍事クーデターを主導した ...

◆200920 ミャンマーニュース https://bit.ly/32JP3Kw
イギリス大使のDan Chugg氏は、次のように述べた。 「私は、イギリスが、都市開発の専門知識を使用して、すべての地域社会の利益に向けて、ミャンマー ...


◆200920 US Embassy in Burma https://bit.ly/3iNCOCf
Launch of the Mekong-US Partnership: Expanding US Engagement with the Mekong Region
Through the Japan-U.S.-Mekong Power Partnership (JUMPP), the United States is providing technical and advisory support to ... Our assistance has helped countries increase their use of renewable energy, promote cross-border electricity trade, ... electric utility on establishing an energy trading company and on preparing for third-party access to transmission. ... dam operations had manipulated natural river flows in the Mekong River, generating widespread media attention and ...

◆200920 Khmer Times https://bit.ly/3cgRUxW
US pledges to provide over $153 million in assistance to ...
The money includes $55 million for transboundary crime combat and $1.8 million for the Mekong River Commission to strengthen water resource data sharing in support of policy making process, according to Stephen Biegun. Over the last 10 ...

◆200920 TIME https://bit.ly/2RIbp8V
'I Think Our Goal Is Worthy for Everyone in Thailand.' Meet the Lawyer Trying to Reform the Thai Monarchy
“We need real political change in order to transform this country to a democracy … power belongs to the people.” Others see the ... Two turned up in the Mekong river, their bodies stuffed with concrete, in December 2018. This current round of ...

◆200920 Scroll.in https://bit.ly/33HrdhT
One of the biggest threats to the world’s forests and biodiversity is farming
“The way we produce and consume food and energy, and the blatant disregard for the environment entrenched in our current ... These include river dolphins found in India, giant catfish in the Mekong, otters and beavers, among others.

◆200920 marketscreener.com https://bit.ly/2FNgxWS
ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations : Chairman's ...
... Communication Technology (ICT), Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI), tourism, agriculture, finance and energy. ... gap within the region, and promoting subregional cooperation, including through the Mekong-Ganga Cooperation.

◆200920 The Mainichi https://bit.ly/2FBkC0A
Thai protesters hold ambitious rally for democratic reforms
They believe Prayuth, who as then-army commander led a 2014 coup toppling an elected government, was returned to power unfairly in last year's general election because the laws had been changed to favor a pro-military party. A constitution ...

◆200920 The Thaiger https://bit.ly/32JRpsQ
US accuses Chinese companies of exploitation along the Mekong River
US accuses Chinese companies of exploitation along the Mekong River ... The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is accusing Chinese companies of “exploitative practices” in the Mekong River region after a new ... It should include water and water-related data, as well as land use, and dam construction and operation data.” ... Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand all share resources of the Mekong delta and Pompeo reiterated that they “deserve good partners”. The US ...

◆200920 Nikkei Asian Review https://s.nikkei.com/33LOi2L
Thailand's youth poised for major protest near Grand Palace
Thailand's youth poised for major protest near Grand Palace ... access to the university's historic Tha Phra Chan campus located between Sanam Luang and the Chao Phraya river. ... The massacre left a permanent stain on Thai political life.

◆200920 BBC News https://bbc.in/2HgqDjE
Thailand protests: Thousands gather for mass anti-government rally
The movement is demanding that Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha - who took power in a 2014 coup and won disputed elections last year - stand down. Image copyright Reuters Protesters gather at Bangkok's Sanam Luang park,.

◆200920 http://en.vietnamplus.vn/ https://bit.ly/2RLz2NK
Better policies needed for independent power producer: experts
Hoang Tien Dung, Director of the Department of Electricity and Renewable Energy under the MoIT, said his department is working with the Institute of Energy to complete the Power Planning VIII and submit it to the MoIT by the end of this month./.

◆200920 Voice of America https://bit.ly/3kvHld5
US Sanctions Chinese Company Developing Resort in Cambodia
The U.S. Treasury Department has imposed economic sanctions on a Chinese company that operates in Cambodia, citing its land ... The company denied that the facility would be used for military purposes, citing numerous statements by Cambodian officials and the ... a U.S. sanction on a Chinese company in Cambodia is part of Washington's strategy to curb China's emergence as a regional power.

◆200920 The Union Journal https://bit.ly/35PQqt0
New Attacks and Village Burnings Swell Refugee Ranks in Myanmar's Rakhine
Artillery fire from Myanmar military patrol boats and fresh burnings of villages along a river in Rakhine state this month have added at least 17,000 refugees to the ranks of internally displaced civilians, aid workers in the western state said.

◆200920 The Irrawaddy News Magazine https://bit.ly/35SdHdS
The Day Myanmar’s Daw Aung San Suu Kyi First Met Her Jailer
... that the regime, known as the State Law and Order Development Council— which refused to hand over power to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy (NLD) after it won the 1990 general election, and brutally oppressed ...

◆200920 Xinhua https://bit.ly/35NNai1
Feature: China, Laos cooperate to enhance poverty reduction ...
The 49-year-old Deputy Village Chief Khamchan Boudvinai told reporters by the bridge that the old wooden bridge in the village was decayed, and people could only bypass the upper reaches to cross the river in rainy seasons. "However, the ...

◆200920 The Thaiger https://bit.ly/3hIWRAF
US accuses Chinese companies of exploitation along the Mekong River
US accuses Chinese companies of exploitation along the Mekong River ... It should include water and water-related data, as well as land use, and dam construction and operation data.” ... Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand all share resources of the Mekong delta and Pompeo reiterated that they “deserve ...



◆200919 日経ビジネスオンライン https://bit.ly/33IdkQA
「青い」インドと「赤い」東南アジア、色分け進むデジタル ...
南アジアの巨大市場インドでは米国のデジタル関連企業や機関投資家が有力企業に殺到し、相次ぎ大規模投資に乗り出した。一方、インド市場から締め出されつつある中国勢は東南アジアに熱視線を送る。新冷戦が激化すれば、ベンガル湾を挟ん ...

◆200919 NHK NEWS WEB https://bit.ly/33Ff6lr
北村国家安保局長 インド補佐官と電話会談 引き続き緊密に協力
そのうえで、引き続きインドと緊密に協力していく考えを伝えました。 また、両氏は安全保障上の課題や地域の情勢、それに新型コロナウイルスへの対応などをめぐって意見を交わしました ...

◆200919 M&A Online https://bit.ly/3ceWfkR

◆200919 Yahoo!ニュース https://bit.ly/3hO81UC
【更新】菅首相のツイッター、完全に沈黙? 各国首脳からの祝福、トランプ大統領からもメンションが…(BuzzFeed Japan)
BuzzFeed Newsが確認した限り、そのほか、モルディブ、ラトビア、ブータン首相府、スリランカ、オーストラリア、ネパール、パキスタン、インドネシアの各首脳も菅首相にメンションをしている。 また、欧州理事会の議長、トルコ外務 ...

◆200919 有限会社キムズ https://bit.ly/2ZSPUqt
モルディブは中国の債務トラップ外交の新たな犠牲者です| インドの別の隣人は中国の債務の罠に閉じ込められ、デフォルトの脅威
スリランカが起こらないかのように、ハルマンディブの元首相と現在議会の議長であるモハマドナシードが潜在的な危険に気づいています。 彼らはモルディブが中国の債務の罠に完全に閉じ込められるのではないかと恐れている。 中国に対する ...


◆200919 Observer Research Foundation https://bit.ly/3mAbtWI
Governing the Ganges and Brahmaputra: Beyond Reductionist Hydrology
Eurasian Studies · Maritime Studies · Neighbourhood Studies · Nuclear and Space Studies ... This paper argues that the challenges in the governance of two Himalayan river systems, the Ganges and the ... In the last few decades, interventions in the GBM basin have been made largely for energy security, and hundreds of hydro-power projects have been planned or ... cost-benefit matrix), hydropower still remains an important option for achieving renewable energy goals in the region.

◆200919 Himalayan Times https://bit.ly/35KecXw
Nepal successful in all indicators: Gyawali
A PCR testing machine was donated by Himalaya Airlines at the initiative of Foreign Minister Gyawali. ... disrupting crucial fuel imports, its oil minister said on Wednesday, the latest crisis to hit the war-devastated country's crumbling economy.

◆200919 The Tribune https://bit.ly/3mAITo0
Indus Waters Treaty turns 60, disputes persist
The Indus Waters Treaty, hailed as one of the finest, the most sophisticated and comprehensive international water treaties, ... Some disputes notwithstanding, the treaty continues to remain intact despite the trust deficit between the two nuclear ... Pakistan must realise that the overall effect the run-of-the-river hydro-power projects will have is perhaps a negligible delay as far as timing is concerned.

◆200919 The Nation https://bit.ly/3iFmd3z
Irsa releases 209,700 cusecs water
ISLAMABAD - Indus River System Authority (IRSA) on Friday released 209,700 cusecs water from various rim stations against inflow ... Water inflow and outflow in Tarbela dam was recorded at 96,700 cusecs and 96,100 cusecs respectively.

◆200919 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/2ZPYvtT
River Indus still in low flood at Kotri Barrage: FFC
The Federal Flood Commission (FFC) has said all main rivers (Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi & Sutlej) are discharging normal flows except for River Indus which is at Low Flood Stage at Kotri Barrage. ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News ...

◆200919 UrduPoint News https://bit.ly/2ZPYK8h
Flood level keeps rising at Kotri barrage
The water level continues to increase at the Kotri barrage, the last engineering structure on the Indus river, where a low flood has been officially declared. HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th Sep, 2020 ) :The water level ...

◆200919 Power Technology https://bit.ly/2ZSl2q3
India to shut down 32 power units for missing emission ...
All · Coal · Gas · Oil ... Transmission & Distribution ... The Government of India reportedly plans to shut 32 units across 12 power plants in the country as they have failed to meet ... Currently, nearly 60GW of thermal and 12GW of hydro plants are reportedly in various stages of construction. Some coal-based power plants in India are said to be in process of installing new equipment's to meet the ... Many have deployed flue gas desulphurisation units and electrostatic precipitators.

◆200919 pv magazine India https://bit.ly/2ZSRKHT
Rajasthan could add 22.6 GW of new renewable energy ...
Meanwhile, the state's 9.8 GW of coal-fired capacity makes up 45% of total installed capacity, producing 56.5% of entire on-grid generation. IEEFA projects Rajasthan's electricity requirements to grow by 42% over the next decade – from 81TWh ...

◆200919 ETEnergyworld.com https://bit.ly/2REijw7
India-US strategic energy partnership takes deep roots: Amb Sandhu
Oil & Gas · Coal · Power · Renewable · Environment · Economy · Companies · People Movement · Financial Results · The Energy Switch; More ... Washington: The strategic energy partnership between India and America has taken deep roots in a short span of time, ... India is now the fourth largest international market for US crude oil and the fifth largest for US LNG. ... energy market," Sandhu said, adding that India remains focused on expediting the development of gas infrastructure ...

◆200919 EurAsian Times https://bit.ly/2RFHSga
India-China Cyber War: China Second Most Powerful Cyber ...
About China's growing cyber power, Bhatia counted it a viable threat to India and thus argued that cyber defense is integral and has now become a priority area. A recent investigation by a national English language daily The Indian Express ...

◆200919 Centre for Science and Environment https://bit.ly/2ZQlo0s
65 per cent of coal-fired power plants in India may not meet ...
Way back in December 2015, the Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) had notified emission norms for four pollutants in the coal-based thermal power sector -- particulate matter (PM), sulphur dioxide (SO2), ...

◆200919 Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/32Kw7vc
Indo-US agreement on nuclear power
Put simply, nuclear energy is a vast power that we get when its different elements react among themselves. ... it is the cheapest and least fatal source of getting electricity in comparison with other sources such as coal, petroleum, natural gas and hydroelectricity. ... Thus, 1998 the region became fully nuclearized with three nations, China, India and Pakistan, having nuclear bombmaking capability. After the ...

◆200919 Profit by Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/32GOL78
Power sector negligence halted economic development: PM
The meeting discussed in detail the roadmap for power sector reforms with a particular focus on the supply of inexpensive and undisturbed electricity to the consumers. Appreciating the experts' research on Pakistan's energy sector, the prime ...

◆200919 Profit by Pakistan Today https://bit.ly/2RCYXYb
SNGPL proposes construction of North-South gas pipeline at ...
Power sector negligence halted economic development: PM · ENERGY ... ISLAMABAD: The Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) has been considering constructing the 1,100 kilometre (km)-long North-South Gas Pipeline (NSGP) at a cost of $1 billion. ... Ayub Chaudhry had also recommended adopting a competitive process in the awarding of this gas pipeline project, saying Pakistani companies should also be allowed to participate in the project instead of 'favourite' foreign ...

◆200919 MyRepublica https://bit.ly/2RGDEEY
Nepal got rid of load-shedding not only due to Ghising’s sole efforts: Minister Gyawali
Nepal got rid of load-shedding not only due to Ghising's sole efforts: Minister Gyawali ... Director (MD) of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), Kulman Ghising cannot be reappointed to the post due to legal constraints. ... Addressing the press meet, Gyawali said that the country overcame the chronic problem of power outage, commonly ... “Far sightedness of Prime Minister KP Oli, proper planning and initiatives by the energy minister and sound management of Ghising made it possible.”.

◆200919 BW Businessworld https://bit.ly/3myhCm4
Nepal to receive its first wide gauge railway engine, coaches ...
Kathmandu [Nepal], September 18 (ANI): Two sets of railways including engine and coaches to revive railway connection between ... Balaram Mishra, Director General of Department of Railways, said the set will be delivered to Nepal by the Konkan Railways of India later in the afternoon on September 18. ... The railways operated using diesel and electricity, each set has five bogies (coaches). ... Macquarie selects Prescinto Monitoring & Analytics platform for Clean Energy portfolio.

◆200919 Kuensel, Buhutan's National Newspaper https://bit.ly/32FUZnU
GDP growth projection for 2020 revised to negative 2.1%
The government's projection (negative 2.1 percent) puts Bhutan in a much better place than most economies in the world. Globally, the ... “We are doing fairly well because we did not have local transmission till August,” he said. ... It has generally been a good year for the country's hydropower sector as the rain arrived as early as late May, according to the Druk Green Power Corporation Limited (DGPC).

◆200919 Colombo Page https://bit.ly/2H9oXbr
Sri Lanka : Two LNG plants by 2023 for power generation
Ministry of Power has stated that two liquefied natural gas (LNG) power plants will be constructed by the year 2023 as a ... to 2019, only 300 megawatts were added to the national grid, he said, adding that the demand for electricity is growing at 6 ... to address the potential power crisis in the future, the contribution of green and renewable energy to the country's power ... that LECO, a senior member of the Sri Lanka power sector, would be a strength to achieve the government's goals.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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