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2019年5月20日 中国の習近平政権は,民主国家以上に民衆の声を気にしている










参考資料 2019年5月20日9時53分


◆190520 米中貿易摩擦激化で広がる中国メディアの「忖度」
日経ビジネス電子版-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YDFLLm
トランプ大統領がツイッターでのつぶやきで予告した通り、米国政府は5月10日、2000億ドル分の中国製品について関税をこれまでの10%から25%に引き上げた。米国による中国製品の関税引き上げは中国経済にどのような影響をもたらすのか。普段から ...

◆190520 90年代生まれ中国人の消費変えた「ホワベイ」—— 信用が創る「中国新経済 ...
BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2w9BZgu
新経済」とは、中国語で「ニューエコノミー」という意味を表す。 「中国新経済」の大きな特徴は、経済活動において最も信用が必要とされる「決済」が起点となっている点だ。スマートフォン(スマホ)にインストールされたオンライン決済アプリをプラットフォームに、過去 ...

◆190520 安倍首相の北朝鮮への「身も蓋もないラブコール」 裏にあるものとは?
アエラドット 朝日新聞出版-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QeikW4
拉致問題の解決に向け、北朝鮮への圧力強化を重視してきた安倍首相が、「無条件で金正恩氏との会談を」と意思表明した。これまでの強硬姿勢を一変させた背景にあるのは、解決への手応えなのだろうか。 * * * 「拉致問題を解決するためにあらゆる ...

◆190520 日曜安全保障 北朝鮮のミサイルが革新的進化!?
www.fnn.jp-15 時間前 https://www.fnn.jp/posts/00417895CX
竹内友佳キャスター「19日は、『進化する北朝鮮のミサイル』がテーマということで、5月に北朝鮮が発射したミサイルに、どんな ... 能勢伸之解説委員「北朝鮮が、どこから、どうやって入手したのかわからないんですが、北朝鮮流のアレンジがあるというふうにみ ...

◆190519 「徹底抗戦か自己改革か」米中摩擦巡り中国国内で広がる大激論の中身
現代ビジネス-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Qb1xD7
トランプ大統領の不意打ち的な対中関税引き上げ方針の表明に対し、中国政府やメディアは当初沈黙を強いられたが、すぐに「決して譲歩しない」と強気の ... トランプは(北)朝鮮すら脅すことができないのに、中国のような大国をどうやって脅すことができるのか。

◆190517 米中交渉決裂、追い込まれた習近平
Newsweekjapan-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Hm9Uce
中国の習近平(シー・チンピン)国家主席は、中国共産党を通じて世論を統制し、批判を封殺できるが、世論の動向を気にしていないわけではない。その逆だ。中国政府が国営メディアでプロパガンダを流し、ソーシャルメディアを厳しく検閲して、世論操作に励んで ...

◆190517 着実に拡大する「一帯一路」
WEDGE Infinity-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2JHmJ2e
3日間のフォーラムを終えて、習近平国家主席は、成果を誇らしげに語った。国家間等で ... 中国にとっては、「一帯一路」の重要なインフラ整備の一環であった鉄道プロジェクトを推進出来、ほっとしたことだろう。 ... 特に、フィリピンとは南シナ海で領有権を争いながらも、人権問題で西側諸国がドゥテルテ大統領を批判している隙に、フィリピンを支援して仲良くなってしまおうとの思惑がある。 ... 北朝鮮をほうふつとさせるトランプの自作…


◆190519 減産幅の縮小議論 OPEC加盟国と露など きょう監視委
毎日新聞-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Eiqhon
【ジッダ(サウジアラビア西部)共同】石油輸出国機構(OPEC)加盟国とロシアなど非加盟国は19日、原油の協調減産の状況を点検する監視委員会をサウジアラビア西部ジッダで開く。米国がイラン産原油の全面禁輸に踏み切り、供給量不足が懸念される中、 ...

◆190519 三井住友銀が「気候変動ファンド」 NGOの企業格付けを世界初活用
産経ニュース-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2JPNP7q
三井住友銀行が、気候変動問題に積極的な企業に運用対象を絞った投資信託の取り扱いを開始することが18日、分かった。提携する国際非政府組織(NGO)が気候変動への取り組み状況により企業を評価し、銘柄選定に反映させる。NGOによる評価を銘柄 ...

◆190519 原子力規制委の姿勢に違和感 「テロ対策設備完備に限定して認可の可否 ...
iza(イザ!)-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2w8LfBw
【国を守る覚悟】. 原子力規制委員会は4月24日、原子力発電所の新規制基準で設置が義務付けられた、テロ対策施設の完成期限の延長を認めないことを決めた。関西、四国、九州の電力3社が5原発10基で遅れる見通しを示していた。このままでは、再稼働 ...

◆190517 電気代に上乗せ!?送電網増強で電力大手が費用分担
テレビ朝日-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Hwdnnv
経済産業省は、再生可能エネルギーが増えれば北海道や九州から本州に余った電力を送るなど連系線の利用が広がるとして、増強費用を電力大手で分担する案を有識者会議で提示しました。会議では、北海道と東北を結ぶ線など2本を増強する費用約2000億 ...


◆190519 Tehran asking China for help over nuclear agreement and 'a ...
AsiaNews-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LUup4a
On a visit to Beijing, Javad Zarif hopes China will side-step the total oil sale embargo. Experts doubt Beijing will take a greater stance against the US. Zarif asks the international community for concrete actions to keep the nuclear agreement ...

◆190519 China, Iran FMs Meet Amid Tensions
DTN The Progressive Farmer (blog)-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2JsoalR
Mohammad Javad Zarif met Frriday with Wang Yi, whose country has been a major customer for Iranian oil, at the Diaoyutai state guesthouse. ... Wang told Zarif during the meeting that China hopes the Iran nuclear deal can be "fully implemented." ... the U.S. of raising tensions in the Middle East with its more assertive approach to Iran, as well as upsetting energy markets and the global economy. ... Wet weather ahead means continued notable river flood risk well into summer 2019.

◆190519 China's green efforts hit by fake data and corruption among the grass ...
South China Morning Post-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YHgvnz
In Henan province, central China, inspectors found a thermal power company had been using a wireless mouse to interfere .... estimate that the measure could reduce particulate emissions in areas around Beijing and the Yangtze River Delta by ... The biggest sources of emissions were coal-fired power plants and the steel sector, said Ma Jun, director of a ..... “It is still unclear how this will go, what we can do in the meantime, is to step up our renewable energy projects development.”.

◆190519 Heated power game plays out for Arctic Ocean resources
Nikkei Asian Review-21 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2VOzNdC
Fishing and energy top the list, with Japan, the U.S., China, Russia and the European Union already moving toward ... According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the estimated oil and natural gas reserves in the ocean account for 13% and 30% ...

◆190519 China Power Discrete Semiconductor Market Research Report 2018
Amazing Newspaper-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VyTH7n
In this report, the China Power Discrete Semiconductor market is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2017 and 2025. China Power Discrete ...

◆190519 Crude Oil, Natural Gas Shine, Gold's Luster Tarnished
FX Empire-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WYU78N
Crude oil was supported primarily by worries over a possible supply disruption amid physical attacks on Saudi ... The energy complex shined last week with crude oil and natural gas posting solid gains. ... worries over a possible global economic slowdown due to the escalating trade dispute between the U.S. and China.

◆190516 China and the Nuclear Debate
The Diplomat-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YqvZvY
The North Korean nuclear issue has become very prominent in the last few years since Kim Jong Un came to power and ... For example, the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan affected attitudes about nuclear energy all across the globe, ...

東南アジア主要国のエネルギー (2019年5月19日16時10分更新)

◆190519 Unmet 'People Power' demands paved way for Duterte
Asia Times-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VyCrz9
How could a nation that inspired the world with its peaceful “People Power” revolution now welcome a return to the ... The democratic institutions of the Philippines have little power when faced with a populist president determined to channel ...

◆190516 With Even Fewer Checks on His Power, Where Will Duterte Take the ...
World Politics Review-2019/05/15 https://bit.ly/2JJuR2i
Although divisive internationally, President Rodrigo Duterte has remained popular at home in the Philippines despite a deeply illiberal streak. And with this week's midterm elections, he has amassed even more political power—probably more ...

◆190516 Leaving Paris Agreement: Indonesia's loss or the world's?
Jakarta Post-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LJ3LLk
Angry comments have greeted the announcement of the European Union that Indonesia's palm oil would be banned as the industry had aggravated deforestation, thus it was not renewable energy. Palm oil is the only commodity dropped out ...

メコン諸国のエネルギー, 2019年5月19日16時17分更新

◆190519 Feature: Mekong river binds regional countries, peoples together as ...
Xinhua-4 分前 https://bit.ly/2YAklyv
NAKHON PHANOM, Thailand, May 19 (Xinhua) -- Narongchai, a volunteer tour boat guide on the Mekong river in ... the Lancang river, runs through southwest China's Yunnan Province, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.

◆190519 Making the extraordinary appear ordinary in Siem Reap City
The Canberra Times-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LVgryR
JOHN ROZENTALS discovers plenty to do in Cambodia's Siem Reap ... as well as visit Angkor Wat. ... from the northern edge of Tonlé Sap, an enormous lake which very nearly punctuates the flow of the mighty Mekong River on its flow to the South China Sea. ... to the marvellous temples of Angkor Wat and surrounds, and largely, I guess, as the subsequent terminal for many Mekong cruises ex Vietnam.

◆190519 Vietnam's Tech Futurists Lay Out Economic Alternatives
Voice of America-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YEgvEv
Nations racing to develop 5G technology that is fast enough to power the next stage of innovation range from South Korea to Finland, but a young contender wants to jump into the game: Vietnam. The Southeast Asian country announced with ...

◆190519 Myanmar fears Chinese influence
The New Indian Express-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WQ7yaZ
Closer to the India-Myanmar border, the Chinese have long-term ties with four insurgent groups in the Kachin State, which ... to ridicule widespread environmental objections to their proposed $3 billion investment in the massive Myitsone Dam ...

◆190519 Vietnam pledges favourable conditions for Japanese bank
sggpnews-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HqsRdR
Vietnam welcomes and will create optimal conditions for the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and businesses from Japan to operate and take part in key projects on energy, industry, transport and infrastructure, a senior ...

◆190516 Japan's Shikoku Elec, Chugoku to buy stake in Myanmar power plant
Reuters-1 時間前 https://reut.rs/2JLifHR
Japan's Shikoku Elec, Chugoku to buy stake in Myanmar power plant ... Power and Chugoku Electric Power said on Thursday they would buy 28.5% stake each in Myanmar's Ahlone thermal ... The 121 megawatt(MW) gas-fired combined-cycle power station in Yangon had launched commercial operations in April 2013.

南アジアのエネルギー ,019年5月19日16時27分更新

◆190519 Multiple Companies Eyeing Stake In India's RE IPP Mytrah Energy
CleanTechnica-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Jtmh8J
This would be among the largest renewable energy M&A deals in India. The US$1.54 billion acquisition of Ostro Energy by ReNew Power and the US$1.4 billion acquisition of Welspun Energy by Tata Power Renewable Energy being the top ...

◆190519 India: Share Of Non-Fossil Fuel Generation Tops 22% In 2018–2019
CleanTechnica-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/2w3qI1h
According to data released by India's Central Electricity Authority and analyzed by CleanTechnica, the share of non-fossil ... In India non-fossil fuel generation includes all renewable energy technologies, nuclear power, and large hydropower.

◆190519 No oil, gas reserves found in Pakistani waters
Pakistan Today-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WaBwcx
–Former OGDC CEO says it is 15th off-shore oil and gas exploration well that has turned out dry. –Planned drilling of ... Amid much hype, Pakistan was hopeful of finding large oil and gas reserves in its territorial waters in the Arabian Sea. The prime minister, on ... He said the energy blues of Pakistan would continue, both on and offshore, unless it corrects the direction and intent with utmost sincerity.

◆190519 Pakistan energy regulator seeks higher gas prices as currency drops
ETEnergyworld.com-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/30wBNpp
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan's energy regulator has proposed big increases in government-set gas prices, a move that ... It will also increase the pressure on Prime Minister Imran Khan, whose government came to power last year ... On Friday, the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) said that it was recommending a 47% increase in prescribed prices for gas .... on India's infrastructure policies: Moody's / INFOGRAPHIC: Assessment of Modi govt's 5 years in renewable energy sector ...

◆190519 Ropeway over Brahmaputra river will be ready in coming 6 months ...
ANI News-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HGFyjp
Guwahati (Assam) [India], May 18 (ANI): The much-awaited ropeway across the Brahmaputra river will be open for the public in coming six ... The construction work was stopped by the Archaeological Survey of India(ASI) in February 2011.

◆190519 India may witness longer slowdown as oil imports, consumption decline
Business Standard-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2JNyzIh
... continues to worsen · Telangana seeks 2,000 MW power from NTPC · Rs 100 cr package for Fani-hit Odisha vendors, ... According to Oil Ministry's Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC), country's oil imports is projected to rise to 233 ... "While lower oil import growth cuts India's oil import bill and helps it manage the current account deficit (CAD), this ... it could add further pressure to a slowing economy," said a former member (energy) Planning Commission, asking not to be ...

◆190519 Pakistan: Foundation stone for energy project in Vehari laid
Gulf News-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2JRZjaz
Vehari, Punjab: The minister for energy in the Punjab province of Pakistan, Dr Akhtar Malek, has laid the foundation stone ... shortages of electricity and gas could be met by establishing alternative resources of energy, and work in this regard ...

◆190519 Coal supply to power sector rises marginally by 1% to 40.7 MT in April ...
Business Today-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HI73ZY
Coal despatches by state-owned Coal India Ltd (CIL) to the power sector rose marginally by 1 per cent to 40.7 million tonnes in April 2019 ... However, coal supply by Singareni Collieries Co Ltd (SCCL) declined by 2 per cent to 4.7 million tonnes (MT) last month compared ... The minister had also claimed that none of the thermal power plants have reported any loss of generation due to supply shortages.

◆190516 Project Developers Continue To Avoid Renewable Energy Auctions In ...
CleanTechnica-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Q3vmFw
Project developers in India are unwilling to bid for large-scale solar and wind energy tenders, sounding alarms across government circles. ... These included Tata Power Renewable Energy, Engie, and two government-owned companies.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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