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2019年5月22日 イランと米国が危ない,日本とイスラエルは,立場が似ている










参考資料 2019年5月22日13時10分


◆190522 「歴史見よ」 「大量虐殺のたわ言」 イラン外相、米大統領に反発
BBCニュース-19 時間前 https://bbc.in/30CDO3p
イランのモハンマド・ジャヴァド・ザリフ外相は20日、「イランは正式に終わりだ」とツイートしたアメリカのドナルド・トランプ大統領に ... イラン国営メディアは20日、低濃縮ウランの製造を4倍に増やしたと報じた。2015年の核合意では、低濃縮ウランは最大300キロ ...

◆190522 金正恩はトランプに会うとき英語が不安だった 元側近
Newsweekjapan-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QdQmcQ
昨年から2度にわたって行われた米朝首脳会談で穏やかな笑顔を見せていた金正恩は、トランプの英語をわかっていたのか、わかっ ... アメリカのドナルド・トランプ大統領と北朝鮮の金正恩朝鮮労働党委員長が2018年6月にシンガポールで歴史的な首脳会談を ...

◆190522 米中貿易戦争でアメリカと衝突したくない習近平の「本心」
ダイヤモンド・オンライン-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Jwb72Z
5月5日、アメリカが輸入する中国製品2000億ドル分に対する関税を10%から25%へ引き上げることを予告してから、一時は小康状態になっていた“米中貿易戦争”が再燃した。アメリカとの貿易戦争は昨年より続いており、中国は当初強気の姿勢を見せていた ...

◆190522 中国がもくろむ"ハイレベル人材"製造計画
PRESIDENT Online-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WjKnsq
北京市在住で、対外経済貿易大学の西村友作教授は「イノベーション駆動型モデルへの転換を実現するために、近年、中国政府は ... 2017年10月、中国共産党第19回党大会の約3時間半にも及んだ開幕演説で、習近平国家主席が57回も口にした言葉である。

◆190522 戦争は不可避? 米世論調査で半数が「イランと数年以内に開戦」
Newsweekjapan-40 分前 https://bit.ly/2JwTdgw
ロイター/イプソスが21日に公表した調査によると、米国民の約半数は数年以内にイランとの開戦を予想している。 調査によると、イランが米国の安全 ... 北朝鮮が脅威との回答は58%、ロシアが脅威だとの回答は51%だった。 米国はイランに先制攻撃をすべき ...

◆190522 米高官、「戦争ではなく抑止」強調 対イラン政策めぐり議会で説明
BBCニュース-5 分前 https://bbc.in/2VUHz5Q
イラン核合意をめぐりアメリカとイランの対立が悪化する中、パトリック・シャナハン米国防長官代行は21日、同国の報復措置がイランからの攻撃を「抑止」して ... シャナハン国防長官代行は米議会で上下両院議員に対し、非公開で対イラン政策について説明した。

◆190520 米中貿易摩擦激化で広がる中国メディアの「忖度」
日経ビジネス電子版-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YDFLLm
トランプ大統領がツイッターでのつぶやきで予告した通り、米国政府は5月10日、2000億ドル分の中国製品について関税をこれまでの10%から25%に引き上げた。米国による中国製品の関税引き上げは中国経済にどのような影響をもたらすのか。普段から ...


◆190522 総合取引所、原油巡り溝
日本経済新聞-9 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2EpCc3P
日本取引所グループ(JPX)と東京商品取引所(東商取)が基本合意した総合取引所の設立に省庁間の権益争いが再び表面化している。焦点は原油先物だ。証券と商品を同じ規制下で取引し、市場の活性化を目指す――。お題目とは裏腹に取引業者の離反を ...

◆190522 仏伊石油大手、ロシア産汚染原油の代金支払い中止
ロイター-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VXnZG3
モスクワ 20日 ロイター] - ロシア産原油に高濃度の有機塩素化合物が混入した問題で、フランスの石油大手トタル(TOTF.PA)とイタリアの同ENI(ENI.MI)がロシア企業に対する当該原油の購入代金の支払いを中止したことが、複数の商社筋の話で分かった。

◆190522 三井物産社長「LNG調達を多様化」アフリカで6月契約
日本経済新聞-9 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2WYJ7Ia
三井物産は東アフリカのモザンビークで計画する世界最大級の液化天然ガス(LNG)開発をめぐり、6月に同国政府と契約を結ぶ。21日に日本経済新聞の取材に応じた安永竜夫社長は「アジア市場にLNGを供給するうえで、調達先の多様化がマスト(必須)だ」と ...

◆190522 中国シフトで加速度的に進む電気自動車化とクルマの未来
日経ビジネス電子版-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HwKRDl
4月に開催された、上海モーターショーの主役はやはり電気自動車だった。中でも気を吐いたのがフォルクスワーゲン(VW)グループだ。プレスカンファレンスには、ヘルベルト・ディース社長自らが登壇し、電気自動車「ID.」シリーズの大型SUV「ID.ROOMZZ( ...

◆190522 NY商品、原油が小反落 世界景気の減速懸念が重荷
日本経済新聞-5 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2WfRMZT
【NQNニューヨーク=岩本貴子】21日のニューヨーク・マーカンタイル取引所(NYMEX)で原油先物相場は小幅に反落した。WTI(ウエスト・テキサス・インターミディエート)で期近の6月物は前日比0.11ドル安の1バレル62.99ドルで取引を終えた。米国を巡る貿易 ...

◆190519 減産幅の縮小議論 OPEC加盟国と露など きょう監視委
毎日新聞-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Eiqhon
【ジッダ(サウジアラビア西部)共同】石油輸出国機構(OPEC)加盟国とロシアなど非加盟国は19日、原油の協調減産の状況を点検する監視委員会をサウジアラビア西部ジッダで開く。米国がイラン産原油の全面禁輸に踏み切り、供給量不足が懸念される中、 ...


◆190522 Policy Initiatives To Trigger Massive Growth Of Renewable Energy In ...
Forbes-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VI2kfU
New policy initiatives in China will trigger an increase in the consumption of renewable energy and lower curtailment rates, while at the same time also create challenges for the country's coal-fired power producers, who will see utilization ...

◆190522 China Pours US$23B In Offshore Wind Power Project
OilPrice.com-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HwSlX8
Wind power, according to Xinhua, is the third-largest source of energy in the country after coal and hydropower. ... Renewable energy as a whole and wind energy specifically is a top priority for China as it fights one of the worst air pollution levels in the world while subject to an uncomfortably high degree of reliance on energy imports, namely oil and gas. ... Last year, China generated 1.87 trillion kWh of electricity from renewable sources and boasts rising utilization rates despite the ...

◆190522 China Raises Oil Export Quotas Ahead Of Driving Season
OilPrice.com-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QdLDI8
China has allocated a new batch of oil product export quotas that has brought the total since the start of the year to 50 ... According to a January report by CNPC, 12.68 million bpd was to be the average processing rate in China this year.

◆190522 China's control of rare minerals has the power to disrupt the US ...
TRT World-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WWzJF1
Many saw it as a not-so-subtle reminder that China has the upper hand in rare earth minerals, and could shut off the ... praseodymium used in aircraft engines; gadolinium used in X-rays and MRIs; and europium, which is used in nuclear ...

◆190522 The Latest: China: US abusing power, meddling in markets
CityNews Vancouver-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/30zY45U
A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman has accused Washington of misusing “state power” to hurt foreign companies ... beneficial to the U.S. than China, Lu said it was “unscientific and unprofessional” to assume that there must always be a ...

◆190522 China not signing deals to buy US crude oil: Enterprise CEO
Reuters-5 時間前 https://reut.rs/2Wp3MbG
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Chinese companies looking to sign long-term agreements to buy crude oil from U.S. oil ... with U.S. crude exporters right now, Enterprise CEO Jim Teague said on the sidelines of a Houston energy industry conference.

◆190522 Power Projection of China
Modern Diplomacy-8 時間前 https://bit.ly/2waTxsr
A coin has always two faces, an analyst is ought to analyze the both sides. China is considered as flag holder of soft power with a global agenda of peaceful rise. At moment, the world is facing a new emerging global order by the rise of ...

◆190519 Tehran asking China for help over nuclear agreement and 'a ...
AsiaNews-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LUup4a
On a visit to Beijing, Javad Zarif hopes China will side-step the total oil sale embargo. Experts doubt Beijing will take a greater stance against the US. Zarif asks the international community for concrete actions to keep the nuclear agreement ...

東南アジア主要国のエネルギー (2019年5月22日10時40分更新)

◆190522 第1四半期タイGDPは約4年ぶりの低い伸び、年間見通し下方修正
ロイター-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2JuMqnH
第1四半期タイGDPは約4年ぶりの低い伸び、年間見通し下方修正. Reuters Staff. 1 分で読む. [バンコク 21日 ロイター] - タイ国家経済社会開発庁(NESDB)が発表した第1・四半期の国内総生産(GDP)は前年比2.8%増と、過去4年あまりで最低の伸び率 .

◆190522 問題含みながらタイ総選挙の結果が確定 - 軍政勢力が政権維持へ
LIMO(リーモ)-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2YMCMAp
下院の新勢力は、下院の定数500に対し、反軍事政権勢力であるタクシン元首相派の「タイ貢献党」が136議席を獲得して第1党となり、親軍政勢力である「国民国家の力党」が115議席で第2党になりました。その他は、「新未来党」が80議席を獲得して第3党 ...

◆190522 インドネシア総選挙、ウィドド大統領が再選
BBCニュース-22 時間前 https://bbc.in/2LYd3mQ
インドネシアの大統領選挙の投票結果が21日に発表され、現職のジョコ・ウィドド大統領(57)が55.5%の得票率で再選した。 ... 対立候補のプラボウォ氏は、インドネシアの伝統的な政治エリートを支持基盤に持ち、1998年まで30年にわたって政権を握っていた ...

◆190522 Indonesia calls on palm oil industry, obscured by secrecy, to remain ...
Mongabay.com-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HuOFoz
The Indonesian government has called on the country's palm oil companies to refrain from releasing their plantation data, citing ... Activists say they fear that withholding the information will further damage the reputation of Indonesia's palm oil ...

◆190522 Energy and elections: The Philippines and Australia
BusinessWorld Online-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VQZ6vs
Sydney – The Philippines held its mid-terms elections last May 13, and “man-made” climate change, “more ... The Liberal Party campaigned for energy realism, and cheaper and stable electricity for a stronger economy. ... The Philippines, having more coal plants recently and demonized by many anti-coal activists and climate alarmists, is actually a “midget” ... Two recent reports in BusinessWorld show that the problem of power inadequacy continues and I quote portion of the reports:.

◆190522 Thailand Wind Power Market 2019-2025, Planned Power Plants ...
Market Research Gazette-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WkSvsH
Thailand Wind Power Market 2019-2025, Planned Power Plants, Emerging Trends, Infrastructure, Investments, New ... The Thailand electricity operators including power generation companies, power transmission companies, regulators and ...

◆190522 Philippines Top Power Company To Develop Metro Manila Casino ...
Casino Buzz-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HvjUQj
The biggest power company in the Philippines, Prime Asset Ventures Inc (PAVI), has revealed its plans to develop a new casino resort in Metro Manila. The company says its key branding strategy for the new casino would be to appeal more ...

◆190522 Indonesia Power Generation Market is slated to reach 442.5 TWh by ...
News Tech Markets (blog)-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WlUPiY
This step has introduced competition in the power industry, especially in the generation and retail supply of electricity. ... In Indonesia, the power generation market is still dominated by the government-owned PT PLN. Approximately 85% of power generation facilities and the entire transmission & distribution network is solely ... These include coal-fired, natural gas-fired, oil-fired, geothermal, hydro, and combined cycle (gas-steam). ... TAGS; Energy · Power · Power Generation ...

◆190522 9 investors seek clearance from Philippines for energy exploration
Global Times-18 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HvneuS
Nine local and foreign investors are seeking clearance from the Department of Energy (DOE) of the Philippines for ... The Philippines is home to the Malampaya Deep Water Gas-to-Power Project, the largest and most successful natural gas ...

◆190522 Philippines renewables to 'rise 11% by 2030'
reNEWS-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2JWaL4U
GlobalData's latest report, Philippines Power Market Outlook to 2030, Update 2019 – Market Trends, Regulations, ... GlobalData analyst Harshavardhan Reddy Nagatham said: “Growing population is driving electricity consumption in the Philippines. ... The share of thermal power in the total installed capacity is set to decline from 67.8% in 2018 to 53.7% in 2030, while non-hydro renewable energy sources are expected to increase their share from the current 16.9% to 26.9% in 2030.

◆190519 Unmet 'People Power' demands paved way for Duterte
Asia Times-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VyCrz9
How could a nation that inspired the world with its peaceful “People Power” revolution now welcome a return to the ... The democratic institutions of the Philippines have little power when faced with a populist president determined to channel ...

◆190516 With Even Fewer Checks on His Power, Where Will Duterte Take the ...
World Politics Review-2019/05/15 https://bit.ly/2JJuR2i
Although divisive internationally, President Rodrigo Duterte has remained popular at home in the Philippines despite a deeply illiberal streak. And with this week's midterm elections, he has amassed even more political power—probably more ...

メコン諸国のエネルギー, 2019年5月22日10時30分更新

◆190522 China-Laos railway's 1st bridge span completed over Mekong River
Xinhua-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2JxlYJW
VIENTIANE, May 21 (Xinhua) -- The first bridge span of the China-Laos railway has been built over the Mekong River in northern Laos, the Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd., which is in charge of the construction and operation of the railway said ...

◆190522 Vietnam Wind Power Market 2019-2025, Planned Power Plants ...
Market Research Gazette-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2JyKXMS
Vietnam Wind Power Market 2019-2025, Planned Power Plants, Emerging Trends, Infrastructure, Investments, New ... The Vietnam electricity operators including power generation companies, power transmission companies, regulators and ...

◆190522 Vietnam's Ongoing Fight Against Agent Orange
SPIEGEL ONLINE-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VCq45e
The U.S. deployed more than 45 million liters (12 million gallons) of the dioxin-based defoliant in Vietnam between January 1962 and ... The U.S. is interested in partnering with Vietnam against the rising global power of China and has offered Hanoi new political concessions. ... and his mind focused on his ultimate goal: the regional championships in the city of Can Tho on the banks of the Mekong River.

◆190522 Two Japanese utilities to invest US$85m in gas-fired power plant
Myanmar Times-2019/05/20 https://bit.ly/2VFICBp
Major Thai engineering company TTCL Public Co will hold the remaining 43pc stake in Toyo Thai Power Myanmar Co, the operator. Under the project, the Ahlone thermal power plant, which began operation in 2013 with an installed capacity of ... is supplying electricity to the Electric Power Generation Enterprise under the Ministry of Electricity and Energy for a term of 30 ... Chugoku Electric has invested in coal, hydro, gas and wind-power generation projects in Indonesia, Malaysia, ...

◆190522 Thai and Cambodian Mekong Committees agree on risk mitigation ...
Khmer Times-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2weScRq
Officials with the Cambodian and Thai National Mekong Committees during a Steering Committee meeting in Bangkok last ... Ponh Sachak, a secretary of state at the Water Resources and Meteorology Ministry, said Cambodia appreciates ... According to the Mekong River Commission, the joint project was launched in May last year and it will run until December 2021. ... As champagne and hors d'ouvre were being served, I stared at Savann Thav's painting, 'Flower Power Dyptique', ...

◆190522 Cambodia's Foreign Policy from a Youth Perspective
Khmer Times-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/30x6ECh
Amidst the fast-evolving multipolar world order, Cambodia's foreign policy is purportedly encountered with either ... In the absence of carefully crafted foreign policy and grand strategy, Cambodia risks being a pawn of great power politics. ... for ASEAN Integration (IAI) and other regional or sub-regional cooperation initiatives like Mekong-related cooperation is critical for ... Practical cooperation between Cambodia and US · Why does Vietnam Shy Away from Huawei's 5G Technologies ...

◆190519 Feature: Mekong river binds regional countries, peoples together as ...
Xinhua-4 分前 https://bit.ly/2YAklyv
NAKHON PHANOM, Thailand, May 19 (Xinhua) -- Narongchai, a volunteer tour boat guide on the Mekong river in ... the Lancang river, runs through southwest China's Yunnan Province, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.

南アジアのエネルギー ,019年5月22日10時13分更新

◆190522 根強いカースト、総選挙に影 有権者9億人、インド23日開票
asahi.com-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LZ4DM5
インドで23日に開票される総選挙(公選議席543)で、カーストが色濃く影を落としている。投票を拒まれる人も続出。9億人の有権者を擁する「世界最大の民主主義国」の内実が問われている。(ニューデリー=奈良部健). □発言力増す最下層、優先制度の功罪.

◆190522 India's thermal coal output seen growing 4.3% annually till 2028: Report
Livemint-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2QhLDqM
New Delhi: Fitch Solutions on Tuesday said India's thermal coal output is projected to grow at an average annual rate of 4.3% by 2028. "In absolute volume terms, China and India will have the largest impact on the global coal market balance," ...

◆190522 Government may mull over M&As to reduce India's oil import
Business Standard-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WivYwz
The committee was set up by the government to examine issues relating to preparation of an action plan to create synergy among R&D centres of oil and gas PSUs, tax issues and ways the oil and gas PSUs could benefit from GST.

◆190522 How much can oil prices impact India's import bill in post-sanctions era?
Business Standard-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2M2MBsf
To what extent would the US sanctions on Iran, disruptions in Venezuela and other controversial developments in the international crude oil market, such as the contamination of supplies from Russia to Europe (a well-cleaning chemical has ...

◆190522 India Finally Investing More in Solar than Coal: IEA
Saurenergy-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2M8Z7qq
Renewable energy investments in India are finally outpacing its expenditure on fossil fuel power generation says IEA ... The International Energy Agency projects that coal-fired power will decline from 74 percent of total electricity generation today to 57 percent in 2040 ... by as early as 2022, with a focus from there on for more efficient thermal plants and possibly even nuclear power as a base-load option.

◆190522 India's uncanny nuclear history
The Nation-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Wi9JH4
The safest route to reduce nuclear dangers on the subcontinent is through concerted efforts to improve relations. ... altogether when George W. Bush administration signed a nuclear agreement with India to build nuclear power plants. ... the seven India-based companies reportedly contributing to the supply chain of IS IEDs include: Gulf Oil Corporation: ... Pakistan's exports to India grow 1pc in 8 months.

◆190522 ExxonMobil 'plans clean energy partnership in India'
Recharge-12 時間前 https://bit.ly/2JW0iqe
US oil and gas giant ExxonMobil is poised to forge a green energy joint venture in India, according to reports there. The fossil group is in talks to form the JV with Indian state-owned gas group GAIL, said financial news source LiveMint.

◆190522 India's longest river ropeway in Guwahati to open soon! See pics
Times Now-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2VUoz7b
New Delhi: India's longest river ropeway across river Brahmaputra River in Guwahati will be open for public in the next 180 days. With this new ropeway, it will take 7 minutes to reach from North Guwahati to Guwahati. The total length of this ...

◆190522 Pakistan: Oil import bill surges in 10 months
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2HMIbQQ
While the overall imports declined slightly during the first 10 months of the current fiscal year, the country's oil import bill went up by four per cent year-on-year to $11.899 billion, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics reported. ... On the other hand, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) imports soared by 46.06pc, while that of liquefied petroleum gas plunged 5.2pc. ... plunged by 21.06pc to $7.49bn, from $9.49bn last year led by shrinking textile- related imports and power generating machinery at 7.46pc ...

◆190519 Multiple Companies Eyeing Stake In India's RE IPP Mytrah Energy
CleanTechnica-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Jtmh8J
This would be among the largest renewable energy M&A deals in India. The US$1.54 billion acquisition of Ostro Energy by ReNew Power and the US$1.4 billion acquisition of Welspun Energy by Tata Power Renewable Energy being the top ...




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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