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2020年5月25日 王毅外相,「米国は中国を変えようと思っている」,その通り











◆200525 中国 習主席「クラスターが依然発生」警戒感示す 新型コロナ
NHK NEWS WEB-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TBf3CX
中国の習近平国家主席は新型コロナウイルスの感染状況について、「国内では各地区で感染者のクラスターが依然発生している」として警戒感を示し、感染が再び拡大しないよう、引き続き対策を徹底するよう呼びかけました。 続きを読む. 国営の中国中央テレビ .

◆200525 米国は中国を変えようという「希望的観測」捨てよ-王毅外相
ブルームバーグ-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AYJmwZ
また米国が北朝鮮との非核化協議を遅らせていると批判したほか、台湾に関して中国の「譲れない一線」を越えないよう警告した。 王氏は「米国の一部政治勢力は中米関係を人質に ...

◆200525 中国経済について、習近平総書記が下した最新の判断と指示とは?
people.com.cn-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bYOqhM
5月23日午前、習近平総書記は中国人民政治協商会議経済界委員合同グループ会議で重要談話を行い、新型コロナウイルス感染症の打撃と外部環境の変化に際し、中国経済の情勢はどうなるのか、そしてどのように対応するのかについて、最新の判断と指示 .

◆200525 香港の自治 中国の介入容認できない
信濃毎日新聞-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2A2epYe
政治の民主化を求める人々の抗議行動を強権で抑え込もうとする意図があらわだ。「一国二制度」の下で保障された香港の自治をないがしろにする中国政府の姿勢は容認できない。 中国で開会した全国人民代表大会(全人代)で、香港に適用する新たな国家 ...

◆200525 中国外相、香港で米欧に譲歩せず 「新冷戦」に警戒も
日本経済新聞-13 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/3d3l6aY
新型コロナの発生で外交・経済の両面で課題を抱える習近平(シー・ジンピン)指導部にはトランプ政権を過度に刺激し、直接対決に陥る事態は避けたいとの思惑があるようだ。 ただ、米政府は新型コロナウイルスの世界

◆200525中国が「新型インフラ」の整備促進 5G、AI、データセンター…
SankeiBiz-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LWPwQk
中国メディアによると、2018年末の中央経済工作会議で初めて表明されたが、広く注目されるようになったのは新型コロナ発生後だ。3月4日に習近平国家主席が主宰した会議で「5Gネットワークやデータセンターなどの新型インフラ建設のペースを上げる」と ...



◆200525 米石油リグ稼働数は10週連続で急減中、マイナス価格のショックが ...
Yahoo!ニュース-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/36rgUQ1
原油価格の急落は中東産油国やロシア経済に大きなダメージをもたらしたが、それは国内にシェールオイル産業を抱えている米国も例外ではない。今年の原油価格急落に対して最も衝撃を受けた国の一つが米国であり、サウジアラビアとロシアとの対立で石油 ...

◆200525 国際帝石、3カ月で業績見通し「9割減」の辛苦
東洋経済オンライン-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zinXhW
原油・ガス開発で国内最大手の国際石油開発帝石(インペックス)は5月12日、2020年12月期第1四半期(1~3月期)決算を発表した。 ... 総事業費は約400億ドル(約4兆2800億円)で、産出した天然ガスを冷却して液化し、LNGとして日本などに輸出する。

◆200525 NY原油先物、週明けアジア時間に続落-米中対立激化を懸念
ブルームバーグ-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TyDy3A
ニューヨーク原油先物相場はアジア時間25日午前の取引で0.4%続落。米中の非難の応酬激化が、歴史的な需要急減に見舞われた原油市場の回復を難しくする恐れがあるとの見方に押されている。 ウェスト・テキサス・インターミディエート(WTI)先物7月限は .

◆200525 欧州の「発電方法別」電力供給最新シェア、なかなか進まない原発 ...
ダイヤモンド・オンライン-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LXWa8V
ドイツのエネルギー系シンクタンク、アゴラ・ヴェンデが2019年のEU(欧州連合)圏の発電方法別電力供給シェアを発表した。欧州では走行時のCO2(二酸化炭素)排出量を問題(CAFE規制)にしているのに対し、日本では発電時に発生するCO2まで考慮した ...

◆200525 中国の石油需要ほぼ回復 工場再開やマイカー通勤で封鎖前水準に
SankeiBiz-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2LY98n8
中国の石油需要は、新型コロナウイルス対策で政府が封鎖措置を取る前の水準をほぼ回復した。中国エネルギー業界の内部事情 ... 中国は米国に次ぐ世界第2の石油消費国で、中国の需要回復は供給過剰の縮小に寄与している。これを受けて、米国産標準油 ...



◆200525 中国の石油需要ほぼ回復 工場再開やマイカー通勤で封鎖前水準に
SankeiBiz-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2A2q8WS
中国の石油需要は、新型コロナウイルス対策で政府が封鎖措置を取る前の水準をほぼ回復した。中国エネルギー業界の内部事情 ... 中国は米国に次ぐ世界第2の石油消費国で、中国の需要回復は供給過剰の縮小に寄与している。これを受けて、米国産標準油

◆200525 コロナ巡る「隠蔽」は中国版チェルノブイリ=米大統領補佐官
朝日新聞社-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/2M1L3f7
[ワシントン 24日 ロイター] - オブライエン米大統領補佐官(国家安全保障問題担当)は24日、中国の新型コロナウイルス感染拡大への対応について、旧ソ連による1986年のチェルノブイリ原子力発電所事故と同じような情報隠蔽があったとの見方を示した。

◆200525 「賠償地獄」「経済崩壊」回避で中露「密約」の動き
新潮社 フォーサイト-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/3d312ph
原油安はロシアの国力や影響力低下につながり、社会不安も予想される。 30万人以上の感染者を出したことと併せ、新型コロナ禍で最大の被害を被った国はロシアといえよう。本来なら、中国に損害賠償を要求する側に立ってもおかしくないが、プーチン大統領 ...


◆200525 China ignores India over dam project in Pakistani Kashmir
Nikkei Asian Review-2020/05/23 https://s.nikkei.com/3ehCZTS
KARACHI -- In a move that has seriously displeased India and tightened ecomomic relations with China, Pakistan has awarded ... Bhasha dam project, worth 442 billion Pakistan rupees ($2.75 billion), has been awarded to a joint venture between Power ... The dam is China's first major infrastructure project in Kashmir, and part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor ... Only last week, the government diverted $6.23 million from a COVID-19 relief fund to pay interest on energy debts.

◆200525 Hong Kong police fire tear gas as protesters decry China ...
BBC News-21 時間前 https://bbc.in/2XoKzoY
Police in Hong Kong have fired tear gas and water cannon at protesters rallying against China's plans to impose a new security law on the territory. Thousands of demonstrators have been marching through the city centre. Police say 120 have .

◆200525 Zambia's Zesco, Power China lock 600-MW solar deal
Renewables Now-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2yyD4mU
May 25 (Renewables Now) - Zambia's state-owned electricity company Zesco Ltd has teamed up with Power China to ... The nation is implementing a plan to diversify its power mix by adopting additional renewable energy sources and in ..

◆200525 The pandemic has made the importance of China's energy ...
The National-2 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AZNSeH
The pandemic has made the importance of China's energy markets even clearer ... Oil prices, which had been mounting a comeback, dipped 4 per cent on the lack of strong Chinese action. Instead of iron and ... The energy and transport sections concentrate on advanced areas such as ultra-high voltage electricity transmission and more high-speed rail. Yet the ... With gas at record low prices and in surplus, it can accelerate again its replacement of coal in home heating and industry.

◆200525 Would China extend its boycott to Australian resources and ...
Policy Forum-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2X0oSMO
An important question then, is whether China will extend it boycott to any of Australia's resources and energy exports? ... of Indonesian and Russian thermal coal and Australia's ban of Huawei from a build-out of their 5G networks suggest that coal imports can carry ... Australian natural gas exports, on the other hand, are unlikely to be targeted for two reasons. ... What the oil crash means for Australian.

◆200525 Oil Anchored Near $33 a Barrel Amid Rising US-China Tensions
Yahoo Finance-2 時間前 https://yhoo.it/36tk2Ll
China warned on Sunday that some in the U.S. were pushing the countries toward a new Cold War, stoking concerns that deteriorating relations between Beijing and Washington could complicate the market's recovery from a historic demand ..



◆200525 感染者急増のインドネシア、活動制限令への不満充満
JBpress-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/36yNCin
インドネシアでは、コロナウイルスの感染拡大防止策として大規模社会制限(PSBB)を実施しているが、感染者数、感染死亡者数の増加に一向に歯止めがかからず、国民の間からは「効果も意味もないではないか」として、制限だらけの不自由な生活への不満が ...

◆200525 ジャカルタの大規模社会制限、6月4日まで延長、首都圏も5月29 ...
ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構)-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2ZBiSMa
また、在インドネシア日本大使館によると、西ジャワ州ボゴール、デポック、ブカシ、カラワン、バンドンについても5月29日までPSBBが延長された。 ジャカルタのアニス・バスウェダン州知事は同日、新型コロナウイルス感染の再生産数に低下傾向にあることを示し ...

◆200525 フィリピンの翼、国の支援望み薄で苦境深まる
日本経済新聞-12 時間前 https://s.nikkei.com/2AaZgDR

◆200525 尖閣諸島や南シナ海で中国の挑発が活発化。日本の経済 ...
Yahoo!ニュース-9 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Xlvqog
シーレーンとは日本が石油の9割を依存する中東からインド洋を抜け、マラッカ海峡から南シナ海、日本へ通じる海洋ルートで、日本 ... まず、南シナ海はシンガポール海峡からバシー海峡(台湾とフィリピンの間)へ繋がる海洋ルートだが、この一帯での中国の海洋 ..


◆200525 Anglo American explores sale of South Africa's coal alongside ...
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide-7 時間前 https://bit.ly/2A7Qsyy
Anglo American is still exploring a sale of its thermal coal assets in South Africa as an alternative to spinning off and listing the ... London-listed Anglo said earlier this month that it would spin off its last remaining coal assets in South Africa and list them in Johannesburg. ... fossil fuels, coal is still widely used in emerging markets including China, India, Indonesia and Vietnam among others. ... Oil & Energy. Oil & Companies News · General Energy News · Bunker Prices Worldwide ..

◆200525 Plan to send solar power from Australia to Singapore moves on
The Edge Markets MY-1 時間前 https://bit.ly/2A61yo1
SYDNEY (May 25): Survey work will soon begin on an ambitious plan to export power from a giant solar farm in Australia to Singapore ... as a demonstration of how Australia can harness its natural advantages in clean energy and wean off its reliance on coal and gas export revenues. ... It also has plans to link to Indonesia.

◆200525 Would China extend its boycott to Australian resources and ...
Policy Forum-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/3efth4d
An important question then, is whether China will extend it boycott to any of Australia's resources and energy exports? ... However, the preferential treatment of Indonesian and Russian thermal coal and Australia's ban of Huawei from a build-out of their 5G networks ... Australian natural gas exports, on the other hand, are unlikely to be targeted for two reasons. ... What the oil crash means for Australian.

◆200525 China denies using virus to grow presence in South China Sea
Minneapolis Star Tribune-1 時間前 http://strib.mn/2ZzOYYU
The waters are a major shipping route for global commerce and are rich in fish and possible oil and gas reserves. ... Aristyo Rizka Darmawan, a maritime security expert at the University of Indonesia, writes that slashing defense spending is ...

◆200525 New missile-capable frigate BRP Jose Rizal FF150 arrives in ...
Navy Recognition-13 時間前 https://bit.ly/2AZzLpF
The Philippine frigates have a standard displacement of about 2,600 tons and a length of 107 meters. The diesel main power plant under the CODAD scheme should provide full speed of 25 knots, a cruising range of 4500 nautical miles at a ...

◆200525 Competitive power rates for manufacturers eyed
Manila Bulletin-15 時間前 https://bit.ly/36u2vCD
160, COAL, 400,000 ... The Department of Energy (DOE) will carry out collaborative discussion and planning with the Department of Trade and ... on how to bring down electricity rates that could help advance the country's competitiveness especially on enticing investments in ... and DTI are going to meet and discuss how we can make Philippines competitive and become attractive to foreign investors.”



◆200523 タイ、緊急事態宣言を6月末まで延長へ
Yahoo!ニュース-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bVZMTB
バンコク 22日 ロイター] - タイの新型コロナウイルス対策当局は22日、緊急事態宣言を6月末まで延長すると発表した。外出規制緩和に向けた準備は継続する。 前週末には約2カ月ぶりに百貨店などの商業施設が営業を再開したが、バーや映画館などは閉鎖 ...

◆200523 6月から主要業種の電気料金を一時的に引き下げ カンボジア[経済]
カンボジアビジネスパートナーズ-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/2zYLuo2
カンボジア政府は製造業、農業、商業、サービス業の4部門に対し、6月以降5か月間の電気料金を引き下げる計画を発表した。プノンペンポストが報じた。 また、この計画により、カンボジア電力公社から電力供給を受けている企業は使用した分のみの電気料金 ...


◆200523 US Study Insists China's Dams to Blame For Mekong Drought
Khaosod English-22 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cWVDQp
The study links these disruptions to eleven dams built by China on the Mekong, also known as the Lancang River in China. The largest of them, the Nuozhadu Dam, can hold up to 27,490,000,000 cubic meters of water, or more than the previous ..

◆200523 Vietnamese province of Ca Mau faces severe irrigation ...
hortidaily.com-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/2Zssskm
Ca Mau is the only province in the Mekong Delta that cannot access water from the Mekong and relies mostly on ... The co-operative's mem

◆200523 Economic Slowdown And Oil Price War Bring Down Thai ...
Exchange News Direct-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WT0H2K
USD 83.8 billion) for the first three months of 2020, down 4.3 percent from the same period of last year. Their cumulative net profit in Q1 fell by 60.5 percent year-on-year to THB 98.52 billion, with energy and petrochemical businesses suffering ...

◆200523 Recent developments in renewable energy and power sector ...
Lexology-16 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WVY14H
... 8,000 MW of hydro power, 20,000 MW of wind power, 3,000 MW of biomass energy, and 35,000 MW of solar power. Vietnam is now pursuing the development of renewable energy as its future power plan to meet its escalating demand for power. ... Group of transmission power grid projects not in the Power Development Plan no. VII (“PDP VII”) as amended and not requiring dossiers, including: power grid projects approved in the 5-year Plan of Vietnam Electricity (“EVN”) (approved ...

◆200523 PM calls for urgent action on drought, saltwater intrusion
Viet Nam News-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/36qu27Z
The ministry was also asked to work with the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) and Vietnam Electricity (EVN), hydropower plants and localities in unifying plans to regulate water at ..

◆200523 Cambodia plans electricity price cut to revive economy
The Cambodia Daily-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/3ghJcB5
The Electricity Authority of Cambodia will issue details of the electricity tariff next week before the programme is ... Phnom Penh Post newspaper quoted Victor Jona, director-general of the ministry's General Department of Energy, as saying.

◆200523 What's Stopping Myanmar From Modernizing its Electricity ...
The Irrawaddy News Magazine-5 時間前 https://bit.ly/2WT1kJE
Last week, people complained about high electricity bills, prompting the Ministry of Electricity and Energy to hold a press conference. ... As we were trying to produce some [electricity] products in Myanmar, we studied their efforts. ... The second government after the democratic transition combined the two along with MOGE [Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise]. ... The Thai government is still partly engaged in electricity generation to avoid national power outages, but it now only holds a 10 .

◆200523 'It's totally outrageous': Investors urge review of solar tender
Frontier Myanmar-20 時間前 https://bit.ly/36oLXM7
The Ministry of Electricity and Energy has issued a tender for 1,060 megawatts of on-grid solar power but given investors just a ... The majority of proposed solar sites are in Myanmar's central Dry Zone, with 240MW in Magway Region, 150MW in ... in February 2019, it gave bidders three months to submit proposals and also provided the land and transmission access. ... Renewable Energy Association of Myanmar general secretary U Aung Myint said the committee's discussions had ...

◆200523 Japan's contributions to maritime stability in the Bay of Bengal
East Asia Forum-6 時間前 https://bit.ly/3gfmZn5
Japan has more actively contributed to the maritime stability and security efforts of countries like India, Myanmar and Bangladesh in ... Protecting its energy shipments through the SLOC in the Bay of Bengal remains imperative for Japan as it attempts to diversify its oil sources. ... On South Andaman Island, JICA is working with India to create a 15 megawatt diesel power plant and has expressed interest in ..



◆200525 インド、国内線の運航再開へ コロナの新規感染者は過去最多
ロイター-49 分前 https://bit.ly/2WXL7mw
ムンバイ/ニューデリー 24日 ロイター] - インドのプリ民間航空相は24日、国内線の運航を25日から再開すると表明した。 一部の州は運航便数の制限を求めており、「厳しい交渉」を迫られたと説明している。 インドでは、過去24時間で新型コロナウイルス感染 ...

◆200525 米アマゾンがインドで5万人を一時採用へ、コロナ封鎖で需要急増
ロイター-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/3gd1djM
インドでは、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大のためのロックダウン(都市封鎖)で人々が2カ月にわたって屋内での自粛生活を余儀なくされている。 封鎖によって当初、多くのEコマース業者は業務に大きな支障をきたしていたが、規制が徐々に緩和されつつあること ...


◆200525 Assam hit by floods, several rivers flowing above danger mark
India Today-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/2TzDLUk
The water level of Brahmaputra river, Beki, Puthimari, Jia Bharali, Noona river are flowing above danger level marks in many places in the state. Meanwhile, Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal has directed the district administrations .

◆200525 China ignores India over dam project in Pakistani Kashmir
Nikkei Asian Review-2020/05/23 https://s.nikkei.com/2X18k7r
KARACHI -- In a move that has seriously displeased India and tightened ecomomic relations with China, Pakistan has awarded ... Bhasha dam project, worth 442 billion Pakistan rupees ($2.75 billion), has been awarded to a joint venture between Power ... The dam is China's first major infrastructure project in Kashmir, and part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor ... Only last week, the government diverted $6.23 million from a COVID-19 relief fund to pay interest on energy debts.

◆200525 India's peak power demand slowly reaching pre-lockdown levels
Livemint-14 時間前 https://bit.ly/3bYzD6z
NEW DELHI : India's power demand that had nosedived is slowly getting to its pre-lockdown levels, with the country registering a peak electricity demand of 160 gigawatts (GW) on Saturday. This assumes importance as energy consumption,

◆200525 Pakistan army head warns of change in Kashmir status
Anadolu Agency-11 時間前 https://bit.ly/2A8XSl7
Pakistan's army on Sunday warned that any attempt to challenge the disputed status of Indian-administered Kashmir, ... the Line of Control (LoC) - a de facto border that divides the disputed Himalayan valley between the two nuclear rivals.

◆200525 As coronavirus bites, Pakistan looks to China for belt and road ...
South China Morning Post-2020/05/23 https://bit.ly/3dcktfe
Projects including a dam, airport and motorway are being finalised in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, ahead of a visit by ... After a two-year slowdown in the execution of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) following the 2018 ... of the CPEC, the first phase of which saw a collective US$19 billion of Chinese credit and investment poured into energy, ... Gorges Corp for the US$2.5 billion Kohala hydropower project, which would generate 1,124 megawatts of electricity.

◆200525 Upper Tamakoshi Project likely to be delayed
MyRepublica (press release) (blog)-4 時間前 https://bit.ly/2X18WtL
KATHMANDU, May 25: The completion of the Upper Tamakoshi Hydro Electric Project (UTHEP) is likely to be delayed as a ... Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) in 2007 had established Upper Tamakoshi Hydropower Limited Company as the ..

◆200525 Talks only way to resolve Kalapani issue: Nepal FM
Economic Times-3 時間前 https://bit.ly/2A86Dfi
KATHMANDU: Nepalese Foreign Minister Pradeep Kumar Gyawali has said that Nepal has unique and close relations with ... Without impulse or unnecessary excitement, and without prejudice, Nepal wants to resolve the border issues via dialogues, ... "First there was no dispute over the origin of the Kali river, which actually originates from Limpiyadhura. ... China-funded Diamer-Basha Dam in PoK an ecological disaster in the making · Centre extends coronavirus lockdown till May 31 .

◆200525 More talks likely this week as India seeks to ease tensions ...
Livemint-10 時間前 https://bit.ly/2X0mTrQ
In 2017, Indian and Chinese troops yet again engaged in a tense standoff at Doklam, in Bhutan, which lasted 73 days. ... In Ladakh alone, Indian and Chinese armies have added reinforcements in Demchok, Galwan river and Pangong Tso

◆200525 5 Reasons Why Punakha, Bhutan, is the Perfect Holiday Spot
Femina-19 時間前 https://bit.ly/3cZFKsx
Located 85 kilometres from Thimphu, Punakha is famous for its eponymous dzong (fortress), water activities and laid-back way of life. Take the time to relax and explore Punakha; you're sure to leave with a newfound appreciation and love for ..

◆200525 Warning US could 'disconnect' from Australia over Belt and ...
NEWS.com.au-17 時間前 https://bit.ly/3gke2ZF
But some are fearful it will also lead to political interference in Australia, as China flexes its muscles as a rising power in the world. ... imposed new customs requirements on Australia's iron ore and also told Chinese power stations to turn their backs on Australian coal. ... infrastructure loans from China, when poorer economies default, China has made land grabs in places like Tajikistan and Sri Lanka.




今日の原油価格 (crude oil price)今日の石炭価格 (coal price)今日の天然ガス価格 (natural gas price)


Current crude oil price (return to top)


Coal price (under construction)

Natural gas price (under construction)

Steel market price (return to top)
(by Sangyoshinbun,please click picture zone)

updated on 161005





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